Football Agency Business Ideas: How to Start a Soccer Betting Agency Business

Not all of us know how to play football but we have a strong passion for the game. the game is almost like a religion with frenzied supporters and fans.An interesting football related business is watching live matches. The viewing center concept of airing soccer games has slowly crept into many sports lovers consciousness. The combination of live viewing centers and popular leagues like English Premiership, Italian Seria A has opened new business opportunities for smart entrepreneurs.
It makes total sense to leverage on this passion of soccer for financial gain. So the question is how do you use this to your advantage and make huge money.
The answer is launching a football betting agency business. If you are not starting the entire company, agency outlets works as an affiliate or franchise with little start up capital.
Let’s see.

soccer match
How to Start a Football Agency
Football betting has become big business in India, Europe, Africa and worldwide. The love for the game combined with hopes for financial reward has opened a new chapter in placing odds.
Other things that have contributed to the immense growth are the internet and smart phones. As broad band permeates every country and locality easy access to sports websites have become common place.
The internet has contributed to the massive growth of the industry which attracts several trillions in revenue worldwide. A  businessman can make big earnings running such an outlet.
It is easy to start and does not require much capital to get going. Such websites and companies abound and happily sign up new individually to run outlets.
They know that more sales outlets the more money they make.
How to Get Started
Go to the Companies Head Office
Visit the head office of any odds company you like. Go with your company registration details, location and shop details. Some companies even accept photographs of the outside of our shop and the type of equipment's you have.
While other verifies your location, equipment and staff strength however a few don’t even bother. The reason why you should go to the head office is because if you approach an outlet he will earn a percentage of your sales as referral commission.
Agency outlets are encouraged to find new outlets and earn commissions. The larger the outlets under an agent the more money he makes.
Pay the Fees
Surprisingly some companies collect as low as $100 for new sales outfits. The amount is even credited back into your  account to use when booking bets.
In order words becoming a member is virtually free of charge.  Once you have been accepted as an outlet they will provide free training on how to use their software.
It is not that difficult once you know how to point and click. They will then install their software on your computer and give you a small printer to print out the slips.
The outlet
The Large companies want you to succeed so they even give you multiple banners to attract players. A small outlet can operate with only one computer and a dedicated server.
To make more money entrepreneurs introduce cyber cafe services to their customers. Some young business men have made huge earning running this business format.
Some people place bets daily while using the cyber cafe services. As an agent you need lots of restrain and avoid placing bets on your own mechanize.
The Business Plan
Register your Company
To start the business you need to first register your company. One of the requirements for accreditation and acceptance as an agent is your company name and profile.
Register the company either as an enterprise of Limited Liability Company. They prefer businesses that are limited in liability because it shows a stronger business brand.
Some lawyers specialize in company registration use one or go directly to corporate affairs commission. Other considerations are tax related issues and staffing.
Open a Dedicated Account
You need to open a dedicated account even though the company will provide a special account for your business. The account they open is used only to load funds in an online account.
You can withdraw the funds on their software to manage stakes. The account you open is to deposit the physical cash and remit payment to verified winner.
If the sum won is larger than the online account they will deposit the winnings directly into your company’s bank account. However if the sales is commensurate to the winnings you will have to cover the stake.
The agent every month is sent a profit and loss statement for remittance of funds collected. Different company rules on funding and transfer defer so you need to understand their requirement on account funding.
Open a Sales Outlet
A sales outlet is one of the requirements of the host company. They will send a representative to checkout your outlet before confirming the deal.
There are certain things the look out for such as in-house equipment, location and visibility. The basic equipment needed to run an agency includes computer, printer and internet connection.
The outlet should be located in a busy street and several meters away from other agents. If there are agents using the same company close to your location you might not get the franchise.
The physical address is a strict criteria used by host companies. The business is based on trust so strict rules are enforced on visibility and work ethics.
Apply For a License
Once you have registered your company, acquired a befitting office space and added equipment its time to apply. Go directly to the companies head office with documentation such as company registration, photograph and location of sales outlet and equipment.
The company will check if they have any agents close to your location. The next step is verification of your claims. Some send staff to your company to verify your ownership, equipment and location.
They want to understand your business structure and capability. If they are satisfied you go through training to understand their software and sales techniques.
Training a Sales Agent
The training lasts only one week or a few days depend on your learning ability. They teach you how to navigate their website and effective marketing.
Other things you learn are how to place and take odds, print slips and make payment. They then provide a few paraphernalia to get you started.
You are required to bring your computer so they upload their software. They will give you a small printing machine to printout slips including marketing tools.
The marketing tools include banners, handbills and posters. The last step is giving you a sub-license as an agent and funding your online account.
Note: all licenses are under the control of The National Lottery Commission in your country.
The fees vary according to company policy, however the amount is minimal and anybody can pay. The startup fees are merely fashioned to see the seriousness of the agent and hardly exceed $100.
Once you have paid they remit the sum back into your online account to start the business.
Opening Multiple Outlets
Once you have the grasp of the business as an Agent they encourage multiple outlets. However every outlet must go through the accreditation and approval of the host company.
The more outlets you control the bigger your paycheck. You don’t necessarily need to operate the outfits by yourself. Locate willing partnership or people interested in the business.
The agent tends to gain commission on sale of each outfit he brings to the company. Study the business model of the betting company of your choice to understand what they accept.
Always follow their rules to the letter to avoid getting banned.
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How to Start a Sports Betting Company
Owning the mother-ship involves huge financial involvement and logistic. Unlike agency business the host company needs to apply for a license, pay huge fees and show payout ability.
Other things are setting up your website and secure software. In subsequent articles we will go into full detail on how to setup your company from scratch.
The websites should be secure and have a payment system that works. The payment system accepts direct deposit or credit card transaction.
Other requirements are getting field agents and equipment for your agents. The major equipment needed are hardened printers and appropriate software.
You also need to invest in a befitting corporate office for your customers, staff and agents.
Funding your Business
To get funding you need bank loans and guarantees. Owning a betting company is heavy duty and you need lots of finance.
 You can get funds from venture capitalists, or sell equity in the business. Another method is through partnership and company shares.
Promote the Company
Your company is going to face lots of competition because of the nature of the business. You will spend a huge amount of money on marketing both online and offline.
Use media like television programs, radio, and newspaper advertisements. Other promotional methods are huge billboards, banners and handbills.
The betting business is highly regularized and has very strict laws guiding operation of the business. Getting a license could take several years and such companies pay huge sums as tax.
Starting the parent company is difficult but the reward is massive.


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