Dry cleaning Business Ideas: How to Setup Cloths Dry Cleaning Business

Laundry is an essential part of daily life and cloths need to be washed at least once a week. Both High net worth individuals and the middle class sometimes hire a laundry service.
Cloths laundry service around the world is big business and can attract lots of customers and money. Incidentally this business is the first one we ventured into before launching a printing press.
There are a few cardinal rules to washing other people’s cloths. The first is do a good job and deliver on time. Others are never-mix colored cloths and whites to avoid disaster. And the last rules are charge moderately and never give the wrong cloths to a customer.
Difficulty level for starting Laundry business is Easy.
laundry van
Write a Feasibility Study
Writing a feasibility study is a good idea because it highlights what you need to start the business. The study will help select a good location, marketing strategy and getting startup capital.
Other major things to consider in your study are type of equipment, number of staff strength and customer base. You can even introduce a business plan to guide your every move.
You need to study the industry and consider if you want to join a franchise.

Money Matters
The business is both capital intensive and low cost. The small business man needs to decide to launch a big company or a small residential shop.
The size and type of equipment dictates the overall expenditure. Large dry cleaning outfits have massive expensive washers and dryers.
While small laundry companies make do with average washing machines. You should be able to secure small bank loans for your business.
Register your Business
Register your company as a limited liability enterprise. Find out if there are any other legal requirements before starting your business.
Step one
The location for your laundry business should be in an urban area. Locating the business in a residential area is a sure route to success because you are near your customers.
Some people make the mistake of locating the business at shopping centers. This might work with regular advertisement, discounts and aggressive marketing while a neighborhood laundry business thrives without much stress.
washing machines
Cost Implications for Securing a Neighborhood Store.
The cost of a neighborhood store strictly depends on the area you wish to locate your business. Upper class neighborhoods are very expensive and attract high net worth people.
But the downside is they probability have a washing machine at home. They may on occasions bring suits and office wears which need expertise handling. Another advantage is that they can afford to pay high premium price to launder their cloths.
The best location for a laundry business is a middle class area. You get a good mix of customers and the shop rent is affordable.  The ideal shop should have a good secure backyard for drying the cloths.
Most shops are lockup shops so the major washing and spreading is done at a secure location. The reason why this is so important is because the spread line has to be secured to avoid theft.
The modern method is to use a dryer instead of drying with the sun.
Organize the Shop
Spend a little on high quality furniture and décor make your reception inviting to attract customers. Laundry business premises usually have their glass panel doors inscribed with the services they render.
The shop should have a nice looking reception area with a welcoming high counter table. The laundered cloths should be displayed in a glass shelve for easy access.
The major laundry equipment is placed in a separate room at the back. The receptionist should have easy access to receipts and information for easy identification and cash collection.

Buy the Right Equipment
A laundry service does not need much equipment to get started. The major equipment is the washing machine and pressing iron.
The washing machine should be sturdy, tough and durable to handle the large amount of cloths. The type of washing machine you buy depends on your budget and financial capacity.
Once the machine is mid-range or top range and has a washer and dryer it will work.
Pressing Iron
The next important piece of equipment is the pressing iron. You need a heavy duty tough pressing iron to handle the influx of cloths.
There are two major types the hand held iron and industrial iron. Most African small businesses can’t afford an industrial iron so a hand held one should be sufficient.
You also need a strong ironing table were the work is done. Other equipment needed is good quality detergent, spray starch, washing bowls, adequate water supply and dry lines.
Generating Set
Many African businesses need generating sets because of the epileptic power supply. To power your equipment the least specification is 7 kVA generating set.
Without a dedicated generator you will not meet your customer’s demands. To handle inventory you need log books and receipts for your customers.
The washed and pressed cloths need to be presented in an attractive manner. Therefore, transparent nylon bags are needed for each outfit and labels to identify the owners.
Equipment needed for Cloths laundry business
1              A dedicated Washing machine
2              Pressing Iron
3              Transparent nylon bags
4              Tables
5              High quality detergents
6              Spray on starch
7              Receipt booklets
8              Lodge book
9              Generating set
10           Gloves
11           Soap and detergents
12      You need a Delivery Truck or Bus
You need only two to three members of staff to run a laundry business.  You need a receptionist and someone to do the washing and another person the ironing.
The most difficult job in laundering is the ironing aspect of the job. The washing machine has made laundering and drying easy. The receptionist job is to liaison with the customers by receiving cloths and giving cloths.

Market you Business
New businesses need some marketing to inform neighbors about your services. You can print posters, handbills, banners and offer discount to first time customers.
Once you are established you will notice that you will have recurrent customers. Laundry business is very lucrative, if you set the right price and deliver on time.
 Launch a Website
The website is targeted at your local community. The purpose is purely to provide information and contact for your services.
Another way is to advertise your services on online platforms such as Adwords, Facebook and classified websites.

Startup costs range from $10,000 – $200,000 depending o the size and scope of your business outfit.


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