Kitchen Utensils and Cutleries Manufacturing: How to Manufacture Kitchen Utensils

Hand tools used in the kitchen are regarded as kitchen utensils. They are manufactured to perform different tasks such as stirring, cutting, grinding, turning and lifting.
The utensil generally aid food preparation and cooking. General utensils are expanded to dinning ware, baking and other silverware.
 Utensils are made out of a variety of things such as silver, copper, wood, clay and tin. Aluminum has become the most used material based on its efficiency, easy to clean and manufacturing properties.
The major disadvantages with aluminum are easy discoloration, reaction to acidic food compounds and alkaline based detergents. There are two types of aluminum utensils based on composition unalloyed aluminum and the alloyed aluminum.
The different characteristics are predicated on different percentages of silicon, iron, copper, magnesium and zinc among others.
The popularity of aluminum utensils is because they are non-reactive to food at varying temperatures during cooking. Other properties are good thermal conductivity, no discoloration and low toxicity. 
Although copper has great thermal conductivity it is rather heavy, susceptible to acidic food and outdated. Other elements such as iron are corrosive and prone to rust. However, iron utensils are durable and idea for high temperature cooking.
Non-enameled clay utensils present chefs specific tastes and aromas. Clay are non reactive to food compounds and are non toxic. However a sharp variation in cooking temperatures can produce cracks in clay utensils.
Raw Materials used to Produce Aluminum Utensils
Since aluminum utensils are the most popular tools entrepreneurs should invest in their manufacture. To produce aluminum utensils you need a variety of raw materials.
Common raw materials found in unalloyed aluminum and alloyed aluminum is antimony, copper, zinc, chromium, magnesium and nickel. They are silicon, iron, tin, titanium and zirconium.
Types of Kitchen Utensil
An entrepreneur needs to decide on the type of kitchen utensils he wants to manufacture. There are over 135 kitchen utensils available in the market.
Common utensils include saucepans, double boiler, meat chopper, sieve, rolling pin and boiling pot. Other kitchen utensils are cheese toaster, salt-cellar, frying pans, gridiron, spoons, knives and fork.
More Lists of Kitchen Utensils
Iron saucepans
Kitchen Utensil Machine
Make sure you purchase high quality utensil making machine. There are a large number of fabricated and branded machines in the market.
You could invest in a fully automatic utensil machine or semi-automatic machine. Some machines are the hydraulic deep drawer press, hydraulic aluminum press, stainless steel utensils machine and double action hydraulic deep draw press. They range in price $9000 to $60,000
How to Manufacture Stainless Steel Silverware
Stainless steel silverware is composed of three basic elements nickel, chrome and steel. The manufacturing processes involve blanking, rolling, annealing and cutting of outline.
The process continues with the forming of the pattern and different procedures to form knife, spoons and forks. Additional steps are taken through silver plating done through an electroplating process.
The silverware then proceeds to buffing and sand polishing. Strict quality control is used to check manufacturing flaws and defects in the tools.
How to Start a Kitchen Utensil Manufacturing Business
Kitchen utensil business is highly profitable and easily done large or small scale. There is a steady market for silverware in the domestic and international markets.
Start the business by selecting an ideal location close to your customer base. You need a factory, transportation, equipment and competent staff.
The major funding is used to purchase equipment, leasehold, marketing, raw materials and staff wages. Register your business as a limited liability company or sole proprietorship.
You need a business license, insurance and tax identification number including reputable source for raw material.  Do effective marketing through traditional print methods or electronic media.
You can sell your products through a dedicated website or hire sales representatives to open new markets. Attend trade shows and sell directly to silverware wholesalers and retailers in your area.


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