Starting Eyeglasses and Frames Manufacturing

Eyeglasses have undergone a metamorphosis from drab looking ugly pieces to fashion accessories. Eyeglasses are fashionable, trending, elegant and lighter than their predecessors.
This is because of improvement in design, size of lenses and frames. Eye-wear attracts premium prices in the market has many players.
There are huge companies and major fashion designers in the eye-wear business. However, small business owners can produce successful lines.
To guarantee success you need creative ideas, produce high quality attractive products and develop an effective marketing strategy. Once you have built-up a good customer base for your product you start making money.
There are two sectors in the industry correction eye-wear or leisure sunglasses. Both sectors are lucrative and manufactures tend to produce both types of eye-wear.
Improvement in technology despite the popularity of contact lenses has opened new markets for eyeglasses. The industry is flexible and startup cost rather moderate depending on the size and scope of the enterprise.
Here are a few ideas on how to start an eye glasses and frames manufacturing business.
Eyeglasses and Frames Manufacturing Business
Eyeglasses Product and Design
You could hire an eyeglass design specialist or use a freelance to create the design. Another way is to learn through online resources, trade institutions and practical training.
Discover your creative edge or use a fashion accessory expert or graphic designer. The design should be elegant, seamless, trending, practical or fun.
The design and color of the frames is of paramount importance. There are also a lot of materials that lend uniqueness to your frames.
Materials used in Manufacturing Eyeglass Frames.
To create a unique piece, give a thought to the type of material used for the frame. There are a number of materials manufacturers have introduced into eye-wear.
Common types are titanium, ceramic, fiberglass and wood. Other frame materials are horn, carbon fiber and steel. The material you choose should work seamlessly with the design, manufacturing process and lenses.
A list of Different Types of Frames
1. Gold frames
2. Plastic frames
3. Fiberglass frames
4. Steel frames
5. Wood frames
6. Carbon fiber frames
7. Titanium frames
8. Ceramic frames
9. Ivory frame
10. Horn frame
Machinery for Eyeglasses
To produce eyeglasses you need to master the technical peculiarity and skills. Some machinery are highly advanced and automated to produce the desired result.
Make sure you purchase high quality standard machines, customized tools and fully automated equipment to process your glasses. There are many types of hand controlled machinery in the market including branded automated machines.
There are different machines that specialize in components that make up the eyewear. There are standard machines deployed to make lenses, bars and frames.
The frame line has machines for bars, sidepieces and designing frames. While you have other equipment used for drilling, cutting and finishing lenses.
Eyeglasses Production
There is a wide verity of eyeglasses available in the market. They range from corrective lenses to fashion glasses and sunshades.
They have become a top fashion accessory like your bag, shoes or wristwatch. Spectacles are the for-bearers of modern day eye-wear.
There are different types of glasses mounted on frames. We have the single lens monocle, lorgnette, quizzing glass, scissors glasses. More include tortoiseshell glasses, prince-nez, horn-rimmed, steel frame spectacles.
Modern methods of manufacturing eyeglasses involve long narrow sheets of plastic. The design incorporate frame thickness, color, bridge size and nose pads.
The manufacturing process starts with the design then the die-cutting machine. The arms of the glasses are referred to as temples.
From the die-cutting machine the temples are produced. The temples are then attached to the frame and partial hinges and friction introduces a localized melting to bond the hinges.
Then bonding material is introduced to complete the bonding. The manufacturer then imprints his trademark or logo and an angular fit tilt the frame to fit the face structure.
Shaping takes place to fit face curvature, heat is applied and later polishing wax is applied. The finishing, shape, style, color and size depend entirely on the design.
Quality Control
Effective quality control mechanism must be put in place. The eyeglasses are inspected for deformities, discoloration and each stage goes through quality checks.
Funding and Registration
It is difficult to patent a design because producers will use different variations. Incorporate your business as a limited liability company and get a cool business name.
Plastic eyewear manufacturers are able to optimize production by recycling the waste.  You need a manufacturer’s license, trade license and insurance cover.
Your product may attract value added tax or other tax requirements. Try target savings or borrow from friends and family.
Try applying for soft loans from banks with fixed interest rates. Try micro-finance banks, trade banks or merchant banks for loans.
Marketing the Eyeglasses
Prescription eyeglasses are recommended by eye doctors so clinics-stores stock a full range of products. You major customers are hospitals, clinics, stores and eye-wear wholesalers.
To get a piece of the pie you need to produce high quality eye wear and trending designs. Use traditional advertisement methods such as newspaper publications, flyers, billboards and posters. Don’t forget electronic media such as television advertisement and radio.
Build a Website
Sell your amazing designs to the international community through a website. Add high definition images of your products, description and specification.
Include a shopping cart for online orders. Use free classified websites, social media and yellow pages to reach potential customers.
Some eyeglass makers outsource the production process to manufacturers. They concentrate on the design and type of frame they want.
This reduces costs of purchasing expensive equipment and staff wages. However the quality of your products might be compromised through outsourcing.


Thank you so much for sharing. Your content was very helpful. You are a marvelous writer. Good work!

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Any suggestions of equipment needed for frame manufacturing specifically

The equipment your need is a High Precision Spectacle Frame Manufacturing Equipment with 2-stage Speed Control. You can visit they claim to have machines for eye wear industry.

Many congratulations that you could manage to write on this sensible issue. I am taking the helping tips and hope it will be useful for others too. optical flatness

This is interesting. I can make my own eyeglasses frames?

For the moment I will buy one first at

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