Starting a Marble Tiles Wholesale & Manufacturers Business

bathroom tiles
Independent marble and granite contractors earn high premium for their product. This is because marble and granite are high-end material used to encase the aesthetics of buildings.
 They are used in reception areas, seating, rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. The material adds beauty, elegance and a touch of class to any dwelling.
You find lots of marble work in five star hotels, restaurants and private homes. The stone based materials are rugged, durable and require skilled craftsmen for installation.
 Marble tiles come in plain and glazed sheen and are easily cleaned. They feature natural coating, colors, hues and shades.
 To start the enterprise you need to decide on the section of interest. You could invest in the manufacturing section or become a wholesaler or retailer.
Manufacturing marble tiles is capital intensive and you will need bank loans. Wholesalers can start with moderate investment and less difficulty.
Write a Marble Tiles Business Plan
Before you start the enterprise you need a Marble business plan. You can hire a freelance to write the plan or use online resources.
 Learn how to write the plan through books, tutorials and website publications. The plan should have a mission, vision statement, present/future goals, and company structure. It should accommodate product type, labor, location and funding sources.
Carry out a Feasibility Study
Carry out a feasibility study of your host community. Understand your customer needs, preferences and choice. Study your competitor’s business structure, services and products.
Sourcing the Product
Marble Wholesalers
You need a regular supply of marble for your business. You should contact manufacturers directly and liaison with major wholesalers in your area. Finding a reliable supplier is easy search through yellow pages or directories.
Construction Workers
Construction workers need to gain installation knowledge through partnership arrangement, practical experience and apprentice programs.
Tile Manufacturers
Manufacturing tiles is capital intensive and labor intensive. If you are interested in this end of the business you need skilled workers and major equipment.
Permits and Registration for Marble Tiles Business
Whatever sections you wish to operate you need to register your company. Select a business name and incorporate the enterprise as a LLC.
Then obtain a trade license and factory license. Get BIS certification and tax identification number.
As a manufacturer you need too trademark the product for brand recognition. There are a few environmental protection laws guiding the business. Find out what is obtainable in your country.
Machinery and Equipment
Wholesalers only need a large warehouse, forklift and delivery trucks for the business. Manufacturers on the other hand need to purchase an array of equipment.
Some equipment needed by marble manufacturers are hydraulic filter press, bucket elevators, line conveyor, pot mill and ball mill. Other equipment are shuttle kiln, agitator and glaze vat. 
Locating the Factory
Manufacturers should lease a large warehouse for the production. The location needs good road network for movement of the products. A locate close to raw material will drastically reduce transportation costs to the factory.
Marble tiles Marketing
The main customers for marble tiles are real estate developers. Real estate developers consume a large portion of tiles for their housing units.  Building contractors, architectural firms and private builders make up the remainder of consumers.
 Hotel projects also consume huge number of tiles including some government buildings. The demand for marble titles is high and sustaining providing good source of income for investors.
To reach customers you need to advertise your company products. Manufacturers need to brand the product to differentiate the wares.
 Use television advertisement, radio and online commerce channels. Build a website and include photographs of your products.
Include detailed description prices and a shopping cart. Target building contractors, government agencies and construction companies.
 Hire sales representatives to go out into the field to find clients. Produce high quality marble tiles and offer fair prices and discounts.


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