Yoga Studio Financials

Yoga is an extreme discipline that involves mental and physical endurance. The delicate movements increases flexibility, muscle mass and agility.
Traditional yoga practice has an element of culture and spirituality. While modern practices focus more on physicality, mental attitude and postures.
The popularity of the brand attests to over 25 million yoga faithful worldwide. The discipline is highly popular in modern living creating good business opportunity for smart entrepreneurs.
To run a successful yoga studio you need to consider the fixed and working capital. A solid grip on financials will position your enterprise towards profitability. It is possible to attain profitability within 1 year of operation.
Types of Yoga
The type of yoga offered in your studio is very important. Not many people are keen on the spiritual aspect of the discipline so offer varied forms of yoga.
Make your classes fun, light heart-ed and memorable. Life is about choices so offer your students lots of choices. In time slowly phase out the unpopular classes and concentrate on the trending forms.
Locating the Yoga Studio
The location of your yoga studio is very important. Locate the studio in a densely populated town.
The rented space should accommodate between 4000 sq ft- 4500 sq ft. The size provides adequate space for small, medium to large classes.
Negotiate rent per square feet not exceeding $60 or $19,000 monthly. High brow areas attract higher sums per square feet and smaller space.
Hire Yoga Instructors
If you are serious about making money from your yoga studio you need to become a yoga guru. Learn and master the skills needed to become a first rate instructor.
You can learn under a guru master or through a top yoga studio. As a yoga master you can teach 70% of the class yourself effectively saving costs.
 It is not frugal to hire permanent yoga teachers so go freelance. Hire freelance instructors that work part time in your establishment.
The number of instructors you hire depends on the size of the classes and number of students. If you have 500 students Hire 2 full time instructors and 8 part time instructors. Find out what works best for your establishment and go with your gut feeling.
Number of Yoga Classes
The number of yoga classes varies from each studio. Based on 500 students you can have a total of 100 classes a month. Divide the classes into groups of 20-25 weekly for easier handling.
Membership Plans
Create multiple membership plans for your students. Offer quarterly courses that cost between $3000-$4000 and student plans at $10. Charge drop in students $15, teacher training $1000-$8000 and private classes? These are just estimated costs so fashion out your own fees.
Cost Considerations
Your cost consideration should include monthly rent, expenses, staff, freelance instructors, insurance and marketing. Revenue is based on number of students, average class, teacher training, quarterly classes and drop-ins.
Training Programs
Training programs are huge revenue earners for yoga studios, same with private classes. However training programs are achievable with seasoned yoga studios.
Marketing the Studio
Create a realistic marketing budget for your advertisement campaigns. Focus on the age group, sex and demography of interest.
Offer varied classes and provide highly experience instructors. Secure a good location and hire an interior decorator conversant with yoga studios.
Another useful marketing tool is a dedicated website for your studio. Use social media channels and online classified to get new students.
Business Name
Select a memorable business name for your yoga studio. Incorporate your establishment as a sole proprietorship or LLC. You need an operational permit, insurance and tax form.
Funding the Business
Present a well written business plan when you apply for loans. Most bank require 1/3 deposit of total startup before considering the loan application. You could try a partnership arrangement, sell startup equity or find a core investor.


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