How to Start a Small Cement Factory

Cement is a commodity in high demand, because no building project is constructed without using the product. Cement is a binding material obtained from processed limestone.
The fine powder is a grey colored paste mixed to produce concrete. Concrete is used in house decking, foundations, pillars and walls.
Concrete is made by mixing sand, stones, water and cement into sludge like paste. The paste gets hard and rigid on contact with air creating a very tough durable cast.
There are different types of cement products such as paving, pipes, cement slabs and roof tiles. Other cement based products are cement counter-tops, cement stepping stones and bricks.
A major attraction for investor is sustainability of the business and profitability. To start a cement manufacturing factory you need huge funds, factory space, machinery and large quantity of raw materials.
Here are a few business ideas on how to start a small cement manufacturing factory.
Types of Cement
There are different types of cement based on the functionality and application. Cement is used in residential houses, commercial structures and engineering projects.
There are low grade cement, quick set cement, low heat, high pressure and waterproof cement. The grain and composition during the manufacturing process determines the consistency and application.
 Different types of cement include hydrographic cement, pozzolanic cement, air permeable cement, colored cement. Other types are sulphate resistant, low heat, blast furnace slag cement and waterproof cement.
A list of Cement Types
Waterproof cement
Air permeable cement
Low heat cement
High temperature cement
Quick setting cement
Sulphate resistant cement
How to Start a Small Cement Factory
Considerations before Starting a Cement Factory
There are a number of things to consider before venturing into the cement making business. You need to determine the type of cement to make.
 Another important consideration is the availability of huge quantities of raw material. The primary raw material used to manufacture cement is limestone.
Any cement company need to huge deposits of limestone. There are other substances that go into cement making so ready availability is important.
The raw material needs too have good chemical and physical characteristic for cement making.  The location of the factory is crucial to the success of the enterprise.
Other major issues are environmental laws and provisions, type of equipment, skilled labor and power source. Power s an integral resource needed in the factory.
Make sure electrical grid is well supplied because this is beneficial to your production process. Finally you need to determine the capacity of your cement plant.
Acquire Prerequisite Knowledge
Although you can hire experts and consultant to aid the cement manufacturing process it is important to learn the trade. Learn how to manufacture cement and also the business aspect.
Enroll in a technical institute, apprentice program or attend seminars. Gain knowledge through books, practical experience, coaching and other available resources.
Financing the Cement Factory
You need huge funds to start a small cement factory. The majority of the investment goes into machinery, purchasing raw material, transportation to and from factory.
Other costs involve labor, insurance, utility such as electricity and leasehold agreements. Apply for bank loans and seek core investors in your startup company.
You need to secure manufacturing and trade license before commencement operation.
Permits and Licenses
Incorporate the business as a limited liability company. Secure a manufacturing license and trade license.
There are serious environmental laws and permits that guide cement manufacturing. The reason is because cement factories impact negatively on the environment.
Green house emission is a major concern in the cement manufacturing industry. The company faces serious tax related provisions, waste disposal and land use issues.
The cement you produce most pass serious standardization test before approval. This is to safeguard building structures from collapse and degradation.
You need to join cement manufacturers association in your host country. Find out the state and local guidelines before establishing your cement factory.
Location of Factory
The location of the factory should be close to source of raw material. The limestone mine should be in close proximity to the plant.
This reduces transportation costs and movement. The factory should have adequate packing, factory space for silo and machinery.
You need lots of electricity to run your cement factory. Most cement factories are located far away from residential dwelling due to pollution and toxic compounds.
Make sure you hire experiences staff to run your factory. You need machine operators, clerk, accountant, factory manager and management staff among others.
Raw Materials used in making Cement
The main raw material used in making cement is limestone. There are other equally important materials used in the manufacturing process. Some materials are iron ore, silica sand, clay, slate, shells and chalk.
How Cement is made
The manufacturing process of making cement starts with the mining. After mining and reclaiming the limestone the raw materials delivery and crushed.
 From crushing the raw mix is dried and ground. The raw meal is stored and homogenized before extraction. The kiln is fed into a pre heating system to produce the clinker.
The composition of raw ingredients introduced to the clinker is at the discretion of the manufacturer. The final stage is packaging the cement in an airtight bag.


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