Face Wash Manufacturing Business

image source-pexels
There are many natural recipes used by manufacturers of face wash products. The products are popular, easy to use and come in different packaging and content.
Some natural products found in face wash liquid are apple cider, coconut oil, yogurt, honey and olive oil. The popularity of the healthcare product attests to several million dollars worth of the product sales monthly.
It has found a following in beauty and healthcare products including the fashion industry. There are many huge companies manufacturing different types of face wash products.
However there is room for small and medium enterprises. Face wash manufacturing business is done large, medium or small scale.
You can even start a small production line from home with very little funds. The financial involvement depends on the scope of the operation, equipment, location and staff strength.
Benefits of Face Wash Products
Face wash products are beneficial to our skin in many ways. The liquid rejuvenates our dry skin, removes dead cells while cleansing the skin. Other properties are anti-inflammatory properties and better skin management.
Face wash are made specifically for different skin types. The ingredient depends on the mixture and purpose of the product.
There are products targeted at certain gender, race, skin type and age group. Face wash is used to clean oily skin, sweaty skin and dry skin. The products come in liquid or soap forms and are very effective.
How to Start a Face Wash Manufacturing Business
First write a face wash manufacturing business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Focus on product development, testing and carry out a survey.
Study your competitors marketing strategy, product and pricing. Make sure your product is high quality and focuses on target demography.
Face Wash Manufacturing Business Registration
Visit the Cooperate Affairs Commission to register and incorporate the business. The product could be subjected to standardization test and value added tax.
Apply for trade ad manufacturer’s license including insurance cover. You could get a patent for your product and apply branding.
Face Wash Manufacturing Equipment
To manufacture face wash commercially you need equipment. Purchase S.S. jacketed vessel, large storage tanks, water pump, bottling equipment and a fully fitted laboratory.
Commercial produces use a variety of raw materials to manufacture the face wash liquid. Some common ingredients are perfume, SLES, Diethylene glycol, colorant, Nonyl phenol Ethoxylate. The manufacturing process generally involves mixing different ingredients and water.
Learn how to produce face wash from trade workshops, books, e-books, seminars and manuals. You could gain practical experience by working in a manufacturing company.
Marketing the Face Wash Product
Use television and audio advertisement to promote the product. Create amazing commercials focused on your target demography.
Use handbills brochures, posters, banners and billboards. Sell your products through a website or drop shipment arrangement.
Showcase the products through high definition photographs, description and princes. Create a small advertisement budget and use both on and offline media.
Where to Sell your Products
Sell your products to supermarkets, individual stalls and at the mall. Attend trade shows, sell at flee markets and open stores.
Sell to market women, detergent wholesalers or to beauty and health clinics. Other outlets are hair salons, makeup studios, perfumeries and fashion stores.
Hire commission based sales agents and plan interesting promotions. Use discount, lower prices and coupons to attract customers. create small samples as free gifts to build up a client list.
Financing the Venture
You should avoid borrowing money to fund a small face wash business. Try target savings or purchase raw materials and equipment based on your financial capacity.
Once your customer base grows and business increases apply for loan facility. Make sure your face wash product is effective and high quality.


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