Open a Ladies Footwear Store

Ladies footwear business is very huge and competitive. There are many niche markets from fetish wear, casual wear, high fashion and slippers.
Running ladies footwear store is good business because you get lots of patronage. Majority of ladies footwear store are mid range to small stores comprising 70% of the market.
Before you open your store you need to write a business plan. This is essential because the success of your enterprise depends on good planning, steady patronage and stock.
Do you have a flare for fashion and basic business knowledge then consider starting a ladies footwear store. Here are a few ideas on how to open a ladies footwear store.
Open a Ladies Footwear Store
Write a Ladies Footwear Store Business Plan
The business plan basically covers company structure, mission and vision statement. It focuses on type of footwear you want to sell and cost considerations.
The plan should focus on competitive store analysis, marketing trends, niche and target customer. Add a feasibility study to understand the market trends, completion and popular footwear.
You also need to find an ideal location and understand your customer’s choices.
Learn the Trade
You need to understand the shoe market to open a successful store. Gain experience through apprentice programs, part-time jobs or find a mentor.
Learn about the industry through books, research and online resources. Hire an established practitioner to jumpstart the business.
Ladies Footwear Franchise
You may decide to join a franchise of an established footwear company. Franchising is expensive however you gain lots of training and support.
The franchise takes care of branding and marketing paraphernalia. Before joining a franchise study their business model, contractual agreement and other important things before committing your funds.
Focus on a Niche
Although many ladies footwear stores sell general goods it is better to narrow the field. Focus on a niche such as weddings, high fashion, casual or fetish. Other niche sectors are children footwear, toddler, designer shoes or slippers.
Permits and Licensing
Obtain a trade and business license and incorporate the enterprise. You need an employer identification number and state tax identification number.
Locate the Shoe Store
Your shoe store should be located in areas of heavy human and vehicular traffic. Makes sure it is easily accessible and in a commercial area.
Another good location is close to residential areas and homes. Use an interior decorator to create an attractive and functional shoe store.
Your store needs shelves, computer, cash register and furnishing. You need courteous sales girls, clerk, cleaner and store manager. If your store is small then run it yourself and save on staff wages.
Shoe Supplies
Source your shoes directly from manufacturers or wholesalers. Some African store owners make trips abroad and purchase shoes directly from stores. They import as hand luggage and markup the prices.
Too make appreciable profit purchase in bulk from wholesalers or manufacturers. It is easier than ever ordering shoes and finding reputable companies through online resources.
Marketing the Shoe Store
Select an interesting name for your shoe store and make it your branded identity. To attract patronage create a marketing plan and advertisement budget.
People are attracted to brand names in the fashion and cloths industry so differentiate your establishment. Use traditional advertisement such as handbills, posters, banners, billboards and signage.
Provide competitive prices, promotions, discounts and other incentives. Use electronic media such as television advertisement and radio.
Build a Website
Hire a web developer to build a website for your business. Your site could target local community by offering deliver service.
Introduce high quality images of footwear available in your store. Add detailed description prices and location.
Accept credit and debit card payments for purchases. Increase traffic through classified websites, directories and search engine submissions. Do lots of marketing campaigns on Facebook and Google Adwords.


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