Mentholated Spirit Production

Mentholated spirit
Mentholated spirit is an alcoholic liquid unfit for consumption. The product is very versatile and has many medical applications.
The mineralized liquid is manufactured using about 70% pure ethanol. The solution is a general purpose cleaner, fuel accelerant and solvent.
The basic ingredients found in mentholated spirit are dye, methanol and pure ethanol. They are available in medicine store in taper proof 4.5 liter containers, 500ml and 100ml bottles.
Mentholated spirit is in high demand based on the different healthcare and cleaning applications. The amount of capital investment depends on the size and scope of the enterprise.
A small business owner needs a production lab, labor, funding and a good marketing strategy. Here are a few business ideas on how to start a mentholated spirit company.
Different Applications of Mentholated Spirit
Mentholated spirit has different useful applications. It is used during surgical procedures and as a fuel accelerant. Other uses are wound treatment, industrial applications and paint removal agent.
How to Start a Mentholated Spirit Production Company
Write a Mentholated Spirit Production Business Plan
Before investing your hard earned money write a mentholated spirit production business plan. There are many ways to write a business plan.
You can hire a freelancer to write the plan or use online resources. Make sure the plan covers your mission and vision statement, management structure and product.
Learn the Manufacturing Process
It is important learning the manufacturing process. Although mentholated spirit is easy to make you need to know the exact mixture. There are also safety protocols to establish handling the volatile liquid.
Lease a Facility
Lease a suitable facility for the production of the liquid. The facility should have a laboratory, factory space, administrative office and storage space. Study the zoning formula and best commercial area for your company.
Register the Mentholated Spirit Company
Register the business as a limited liability company. Apply for a manufacture and trade license. The product is subjected to a basic standardization test and food drug certification.
Funding the Enterprise
A home based production company requires very little funds however you are bound by certain laws. Find out the permits and licensing guiding mentholated spirit production.
Secure funds through target savings or borrow from friends and family. There are a few trade associations that offer their members soft loans based on contributory terms.
Ingredients used to Manufacture Mentholated Spirit
There are a few ingredients used in the manufacturing process of mentholated spirit. Mentholated spirit consists of water, methyl, ethanol and dye.
The production process involves mixing the ingredients according to specific proportions. The final mixture is then bottled, labeled and packaged.
Hire Staff
A small production line needs a few staff members. Hire factory workers, filling and packaging staff. You need a driver, administrative staff and marketing department. Keep the number of staff low to avoid undue wage payment.
Marketing the Product
There are different brands of mentholated spirit in the market. You need an effective marketing strategy to sell your products.
Sell directly to pharmaceutical stores, clinics, health centers and hospitals. Use discounts, competitive pricing and coupons to drive sales.
Create an advertisement budget and use electronic and traditional media.  Print flyers, billboards, posters and signage to attract patronage.
Try networking with medical suppliers in your area to sell the products. Employ commission based sales representatives to reach new customers.
Build a Website
Owning a dedicated website is an effective marketing strategy. You could target the site to your immediate locality or international community.
You could hire a website developer to build your website or a freelancer. Include in your website design product image, description, price and a shopping cart.
To drive traffic purchase a custom domain name and use online advertisement. Advertise in social media such as Facebook or Adwords.


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