Sugar Candy Manufacturing

Sugar candy is a delicious treat loved by young and old. The sweet is found in shops, supermarkets, stores and celebratory events.
Global sales of candy in 2014 are estimated to have exceeded 120 billion dollars in sales. Although too much consumption of sweets is bad for the teeth it has some surprising health benefit.
Chocolate candy reduces risk of heart disease while peppermint fights against irritable bowel syndrome. Flavored candy is said to improve short term memory, increase oxygen in brain and heart rate.
Candy making is done on commercial scale or as a home based project. The amount of funding depends on the equipment, labor and capacity of the production line. 
Other considerations are availability of raw materials, lease agreement, location and marketing strategy.
Candy Classification
There are different kinds of candy based on the raw materials used in the production. The amount of sugar present in the candy is one way to differentiate types of candy.
Another way is the presence of chocolate in the ingredients. A few common candy produced commercially are dark chocolate candy and unsweetened non sugar candy.
More types include chocolate truffles, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. Non chocolate ones are fruit shaped hard candy, traditional Japanese’s candy, gummy bears, nut brittles and Finnish sugar candy.
A list of Candy
1. Chocolate candy
2. White chocolate
3. Hot chocolate
4. Chocolate truffle
5. Dark chocolate
6. Hard candy
7. Traditional Japanese
8. Soft chewy sugar candy
9. Gummy bears
10. Nut brittles
Conduct a Survey
You need to conduct a comprehensive survey of your area. The survey would determine if there is a market for your product.
Other things include earning capacity of neighbors, favorite candy, shopping habits and prices. Make sure you evaluate candy stores in your community, business structure and products.  
Determine the Type of Candy to Produce
The survey will provide a picture of trending sweets in the area. Produce only popular brands and target the age group and demography that favor the particular sweet.
Identifying your target market and product is very important to the success of your enterprise.
Write a Sugar Candy Manufacturing Business Plan
We can’t over emphasize the important of having a business plan. It provides an overview the template of your business.
The plan focuses on your business structure, funding, product, labor costs, and profit- loss account. You also have a clear picture on goals, growth potential and a 7 year plan.
Source Raw Materials
Make sure you have a steady supply of raw materials you need to produce candy. Purchase your ingredients wholesale for better chance at profit.
Contact local vendors, supermarkets, wholesalers and suppliers of raw material. Ingredients you need depend on the type of candy you want to produce. Ingredients include lollipop sticks, icing, flavors, molds, food coloring and cocoa.
Develop a Good Package
You need to develop an attractive package for your product. Hire a box maker to design an attractive package. There are different types of packaging such as boxes, nylons, cardboard's, ribbons and cellophane bags.
Lease a Property
Lease a store in a commercial area or close to residential houses. The shop should have heavy human traffic and easy accessibility.
 The shop should have reception area, shelves, storage and apple parking space. Equip the store with shelves, office equipment and attractive décor.
Hire shop attendants, sale clerk, cleaners, security and drivers. Make sure you balance your books and hire experienced candy makers.
Build a Website
Apart from selling directly to customers try selling online. Online provides a bigger market for your produce.
Build a SEO website and include high definition images of your product. Offer discounts, drop ship arrangement and online purchase of product.
Try to direct targeted traffic to your website through online advertisement and social media engagements.
Advertise the Candy Business
Advertise the business through traditional means such as posters, banners, billboards and shop signage. Use local radio stations and television adverts to increase product awareness.
 Hire sales representatives that work on commission to find new outlets for your product. Organize fun children activities around your product.
Use attractive branding and quality product to increase sales. Other sales outlets include supermarkets, malls, local shop owners and trade fairs.
Fund your enterprise through target savings or borrow from friends and family. Try to abide by trade guidelines and rules in your industry.
Obtain all perquisite permits and licensing to operate your establishment.


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