Empty Gelatin Capsule Manufacturing Business

gelatin capsule
Pharmaceutical drugs that are taken orally are usually encapsulated or made into tablets. The types of drugs encapsulated are usually medication with low level tolerance on the tongue.
The capsule is good for dosage measurement and a good delivery mechanism. The efficiency of capsules has made them highly sorted by pharmaceutical drug manufacturers.
The business is capital intensive however small and medium enterprises are able to thrive amidst stiff competition.  Empty gelatin capsules manufacturers supply pharmaceutical companies closed units based on contractual agreement.
The company then opens the capsule and fills them with dry powdery medication. The dosage is carefully measured for proper administration and usage.
Types of Capsules
There are two main types of capsules produced by manufacturers. We have the soft shelled capsule and hard-shelled capsules.
They are produced from agents such as plasticize-rs, animal protein or plant extracts. Soft-shelled capsules easily dissolve in liquids while hard-shelled capsules are swallowed.
The gelatin based substance allows dry powdery medication remain within the capsule.  The two piece gel capsule was first patented by James Murdock in 1847and the hard capsule is the most popular.
Other types of gelatin capsules are hard cellulose capsule shells, hard gelatin capsules, enteric capsules and shiny gelatin capsules. More are fortified gelatin capsule, certified capsules, fast release capsules, printed capsules and vegetarian capsule
A List of Gelatin Capsules
Enteric Capsule shells
Vegetarian Capsule shells
Fast release Capsules
Sweet gelatin Capsule
Fortified gelatin Capsule
SLS free Gelatin Capsule
Shinny Gelatin Capsule
Hard Gelatin Capsule
Empty Gelatin Capsules Manufacturing Equipment
You need a well equipment hard capsule manufacturing plant. Equipments include steel mixer, pins bar machine, dryer, trimmer, measuring device.
Others are joiner blocks, sterilization unit and packaging. Pharmaceutical drug manufacturers use capsule filling machines to add powdery medication to empty gelatin capsules.
Registration and Quality Control
Every aspect of pharmaceutical manufacturing is highly regulated. The product needs to get certified and ISO 9001 compliant.
Incorporate the company and provide insurance for smoother operations. Employ highly trained laboratory technicians and machine operators.
The equipment found in the industry is fabricated, semi-automatic or fully automatic. Once you supply your empty capsules to manufacturers your work is done.
The pharmaceutical company now opens and fills the capsules according to size, volume, locked length and external diameter testing.
Gelatin Capsule Manufacturing Process
 The manufacturing process starts with the mixing of gelatin and hot de-mineralized water.  The mixing is accomplished in a steel gelatin melting system under vacuum conditions.
Once aging is achieved the liquid is transferred to steel feed tanks. Within the feed tanks opacifier and dyes are introduced to the gelatin solution.
Stainless steel bars deep into the solution in the capsule making machine. The upper and lower capsules are set through drying.
Once dried an automated process of pin striping and trimming is perfected.  The two halves of the empty capsule are joined to form a complete capsule unit.
Quality control entails measuring thickness, moisture content and size. The final step includes visual inspection and imprinting before packaging.
Empty Gelatin Manufacturing Flow Chart
Receive raw materials – mix gelatin and hot de-mineralized water – add opacifier and dyes – drying – capsule removed from pin bar – trimmed – capsule joined – quality control- imprinting – packaging.
Capsules Raw Materials
There are a few raw materials present in empty gelatin capsules. We have glycerine, Methyl Paraben, titanium dioxide. Other substances found in the product are Propyl Paraben, dyes, gelatin and sorbitol among others.
Marketing the Empty Gelatin Capsules
Gelatin capsules are in huge demand throughout the world and the major consumers of the product are pharmaceutical companies. The business has lots of export potential to pharmaceutical companies in third world countries.
Lease a suitable location for your capsule making factory. Then secure funding through bank loans and core investors.
Purchase the necessary equipment, raw materials and hire experienced staff. You could approach pharmaceutical companies for supply orders or contracts. Obtain a trade license and register your company


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