Festival Planning Guide Checklist

event planning
 Festivals are huge money earners when they attract the right patronage. Event planning requires many elements to organize a successful occasion.
There are lots of event planning logistics that go into such ventures. The kind of logistic involved is theme development, publicity, committee meetings, food or refreshments.
Other considerations are cost considerations, sponsorship and venue. Organizing a festival is tough because every aspect of the event should be properly coordinated.
To succeed you need a festival planning guide checklist. The checklist just like writing a business plan should be specific and address certain issues.
Festival Planning Guide Checklist
The purpose for writing a guide is to create a template for the event. The template effectively covers all aspects of preparation, implementation and hosting the event.
 Your checklist should focus on important aspects such as sound system, platform stage, food and local artists. You need street vendors, memorabilia’s, sponsors and a theme.
Underline the purpose of the festival and develop a winning strategy. What are your objectives and recipe for success? Event Planning Business
Create a Checklist
The checklist is very important to highlight all the important areas of focus. The step guide reduces the workload while availing the organizer a good reference journal. List the procedures, items to purchase or rent including marketing.
The checklist should have price lists against each item. This enables proper budgeting and reduction of waste.
The budget can cover marketing costs, insurance, purchased items, concession sales and ticket sales. More things that impact on budget are security at the venue, food vendors, and sponsorship.
Logistic is important to the overall success of the enterprise. Logistical data to collate are event venue, insurance, refreshments, volunteers, merchandizing and miscellaneous. Other logistics include transportation, emergency provisions, waste disposal and advertisement.
Marketing and Publicity
It is imperative that you strategize how much publicity you need. The publicity should focus on theme of event, audience demography, location and mode of entertainment.
Use traditional print media such as flyers, billboards, posters and banners. Create fun advertisement for television and use radio jingles.
Festival Theme
The festival theme should emphasize on a particular subject. The popularity and marketability of the theme could impact positively on the attendance and hype.
Festival themes depend on the organizers focus, message or purpose. The theme should be original, new, focused on attendee’s interests, demography, age group and culture.
You can use costumed themes, dance themes, music themes, ethnic themes, cartoon characterizations or food themes. The theme reflects the purpose of the event.
Develop the Theme
Once you have a good theme you need to develop the theme. The theme could be broken down to sub themes, niche themes, subjects and characterizations.
Institute a Committee
It is impossible to organize a festival alone you need a committee. Committees to consider are food committees, entertainment, parade, security and waste disposal. Others are branding, contests, publicity, amusement and decorations.
Event Location
You need to evaluate the event location, conduct surveys, inspection tours and visitations. Establish evacuation plans, healthcare first aid stations and other facilities.
A key element to the success of the festival is participation of host community. Provide adequate parking, traffic control officers and walkways for pedestrians.
The security of participants is very important. Connect with law enforcement officers and local enforcement agencies.
Make sure your logistics are spot-on and develop a security plan. You need liability insurance to protect against 3rd party claims.
Festival Entertainment
Festivals need lots of entertainment such as dancers, musicians, parades, fireworks, live bands and celebrity guests. Others are contests, food fairs, craft shows and fun rides.
Festival Sponsorship
Without adequate sponsorship you will spend huge sums of money. Sponsors bare some of the funding requirements.
Sponsorship opportunities depend on the sponsors interest and brand. They could pay for celebrity attendance, stage rentals, event prices and advertisement units.
Festival Rules
The festival should be guided by rules of conduct. The rules guide event hours, crowd management, traffic and mode of dressing.
Festival Planning Guide Checklist
Items in your checklist are entertainment, food vendors, fireworks, branding, sponsors and publicity. Other items are volunteer workers, parade lineup, participant’s certificate, tickets, costumes and dignitaries. More include PA system, stage decorations, healthcare and security.
Festival Publicity
Publicize the event through handbills, posters, billboards and banners. Use radio stations, website posts, social media channels and newspaper publications.


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