Tire Manufacturing process: How to start a Tire Manufacturing business

car tire
There are less than 1000 factories that produce tire worldwide. This is such a small number considering million of tires sold daily.
The methodology of making a standardized tire is tedious and requires heavy duty equipment. The process is divided into five sections or factories.
The numerous components that go into tire production include chemicals and bulk materials. All the different elements are compounded, processed then assembled and cured under heat pressure.
Every process is standardized and monitored to create a durable long plastic that consists of different elements. Starting a tire manufacturing business is capital intensive and requires specialized knowledge and equipment.
Every stage of the production is closely monitored to prevent impurities and defects that hamper the quality, durability and performance of the tire. The  manufacturing process entails the need for five factories within a vast landed space.
Other challenges are purchase of standard machinery, hire experienced staff, utilities such as electrical power and sourcing raw materials.
How to Start a Tire Manufacturing Business
Basic Components of Long Elastic Tire
.The tire is made up of different parts that are essential to the performance of the object. The tire features the bead, filler, liner and nylon belt.
Other elements are the thread, steel belt, plies, sidewall and chafer. Beads are inflexible, inelastic steel wire encased in rubber and coated with an alloy.
The steel wire has a high tensile strength while the alloys generally used are brass or bronze. The bead is effectively bonded due to the presence of copper sulfide and other additives.
A triangular extruded profile known as the apex cushions the inner lining and rigid bead. Sidewall compounds consist of additives such as antioxidants.
The purpose is to increase the tires abrasion resistance to environmental pressures.  The effectiveness of sidewall adds to the tensile strength of the tire.
High pressure air is contained within the tire because of the inner liner. The compounded rubber sheet prevents diffusion of air through the rubber and is an important element to the overall effectiveness of tires.
The body ply consists of two distinct layers rubber and reinforced fabric. The type of fabric depends on the manufacturer.
Common fabrics present in the body ply are polyester, nylon, rayon and cotton. Higher impact vehicle tires such as trucks, caterpillars, and commercial airlines need tires constructed with multiple body plies.
 The tread helps prevent wear or compromise to the tire. While more strength and durability is provided by two layered rubber called the belt package.
The differences in the components of tires are predicated on the manufactures design and structure. The components and compound formulation vastly differ from one manufacturer to the next.
However there are strict compliance to standardization and testing of each component.
car tire
Raw Materials used to Manufacture Tires
Many materials go into the composition of tires. We have the natural and synthetic rubbers such as chlorobutyl,  bromobutyl, and polyisoprene. Others are styrene-butadiene, halobutyl.
 Abrasion resistance is facilitated by the presence of carbon Black, sulphur used in the vulcanization and activators. Other materials are textile fabrics, antioxidants, antiozonants including vulcanization accelerators.
Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing process is complicated and slightly challenging. The process goes through six distinct stages which are the compounding, mixing and component preparation. The other stages are the tire construction, curing and finishing.
The different ingredients are compounded and introduced to the mixer. The mixer blends the components in four stages until desired results.
The mixing process is done through the implementation of rotors. The desired result through the mixing process is to achieve a uniform material consistency.
The compound is further mixed and vulcanized in oven and cooled. Four components are extruded which are tread, core, wing and base components.
Building the Tire
The building process assembles all the elements to make the tire. The process is done mechanically or manually depending on the manufacturer.
They put together the tread, beads, steel belts, textile and other components. Automated tire assembly machines are very efficient in this regard.
Curing Process
Heat energy is introduced into the green tire through a curing machine. The components are compressed to produce the final shape of the tire.
The tire is tested for tensile strength, uniformity and durability. It is thoroughly inspect to detect deformities or imperfections in the steel cord structure.
Marketing the Tires
There is a huge market both domestically and internationally for tires. Major dealers worldwide are welling to partner with tire manufacturers.
 The manufacturer needs to brand his tires to differentiate them from market tires. Makes sure your factory produces high quality products for better chances of success.
Permits and Licenses
Don’t forget to register you company as a LLC and get insurance. There are many safety protocols to observe.
Apply for manufacturer’s license, trade license and add value added tax. The company should have a comprehensive waste management structure.
Tire manufacturing is big business and you need lots of loans to finance the business. You could source funds through a pool of core investors.


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