Egg Tray Making From Paper Pulp

Paper pulp materials are used in many applications making them valuable. The products are easily recycled and raw materials are readily available.
Paper pulp products are common in the healthcare sector, food packaging and agricultural products. The business is profitable and easily done large or small scale.
An entrepreneur looking to invest in egg tray production needs automated machinery and factory space. To start a pulp factory it is important learning egg tray making from paper pulp process.
Rent Factory Space
Lease factory space in a commercial area with good road network. Your factory needs adequate electricity and water to carry out the operation. Hire machine operators, cleaners, drivers, factory manager, sales clerk and accountant.
Create a Website
Sell your products to your local community and international market. Create a website and include images of your products.
Also include detailed description of product and services and add a shopping cart. Increase traffic to your website through social media channels and search engine optimization.
Pulp Moulding Machinery Range of Products
The pulp moulding machinery is very versatile and has many applications. The equipment is able to handle a large range of products based on the manufacturer’s antennary.
Products available for manufacturer include and not limited to the following. Common products produced by rotary pulp moulding plants are multi-cavity egg cartons, fruit trays and cup carriers.
Others are egg trays, carton boxes, seed pots and paper trays.
A list of Pulp Paper Products
Paper trays
Electronic package
Industrial packs
Seed pots
Medical care products
Different Fruit trays
Egg carton
Egg tray
Basic Egg Tray Moulding Machine
There are different specifications of pulp moulding machines. They range from locally fabricated machines to semi-automated to fully automated machinery.
 The basic functions of a pulp maker include wet or dry moulding functions. Other manufacturing processes involve mould transfer, water separation, forming, and vacuum pulp process.
Purchase pulp making machine capable of moulding basic egg tray products. The range of products should include egg boxes, poultry products, egg trays and table wares. Other products are paper packaging, cardboard lids, fruit trays and disposable tableware.
A range of pulp making machines are dry system pulp making machine, dry type pulp mould, dry in mold technology and disposable pulp tableware.
Others include cure moulding machine, egg carton machine, egg-box machine, fine pulp moulding system, direct press and finery pack line.
An investor only needs to purchase machinery that carry out certain stages. The major stages are the pulping, moulding, drying, finishing and packaging.
What to lookout for in your Machines
Purchase machines that use interchangeable moulds that include drier linking options. Other considerations are ease of operation, steel frame, low cost production and additives.
Egg Tray Making Process
The rotary molding machines are highly versatile and used in most manufacturing process. The waste paper is sorted form dirt and other non inclusive materials.
The raw waste paper is cut and water added while a mesh grid allows the passage of water leaving the pulp material.  The pulping machine processes waste paper into pulp.
The forming system uses a blow molding technology to absorb the pulp using vacuum. The egg tray then goes through drying and packaging.
 Paper Pulp Factory Permits
A paper pulp making factory need a waste disposal strategy. You need to apply for a trade license and register a business name.
The company could run as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. The product may require value added tax and don’t forget insurance cover.
There are basic standardization provisions and certifications. Make sure your products are high quality and well molded products.


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