Animal Husbandry: Animal Husbandry and the Effect on Our Planet

Something to Think About
The selective breeding of animals for meat, skin, egg, and byproducts is animal husbandry.  The domesticating of farm animals has been practice for generations.
Over the years man has selectively bred livestock to alter the genetic qualities, temperament, growth, productivity. This was done primarily to promote desirable animals for various purposes.
A good example of domesticated animals altered for certain functions are angora rabbits and goats. Cattle are bred for skin, beef, milk through selective breeding or modification to increase farm yield.
The quality of livestock today has drastically increased due to consistent breeding programs. Livestock like chicken is another example of effective selective breeding. You have chicken specialized in egg laying and those bred for meat.
This has dramatically changed the way farming methodology is done throughout the world. This has given rise to mega farms using modified animals and mechanized equipment.
Breeding Techniques
Breeding programs that have achieved high quality stock over the years use artificial insemination techniques. The techniques involve selecting a quality breed and performing an embryo transfer.
This is usually done by an experience farmer, laboratory technician or veterinary doctor. Improved the animals genetic is the primary function of breeding programs.
Implanting embryo to surrogate lesser quality fosters guarantees increased yield of desirable stock. This cuts across farm animals used for egg production, meat or fiber.
Another important trait achieved is the food conversion rate of improved high quality livestock. The major downside to selective breeding is prevalence of complex diseases and loss of genetic diversity.
Standardized Husbandry Practice
Over the years major players in the industry identify many unwholesome practices by farmers and breeding programs. Therefore rigorous standard have been established to ensure good practices and healthier animals.
The framework ensures healthier animals, reduction in mortality rate and diseases. The practices aids herd optimization proper land usage including feeding and medication.
Good organization and standardization of practice includes animal control mechanism, proper staff training and production planning. Other factors introduced to optimize yield are property organization, standard animal enclosures and output.
Another important rule governs waste management protocols and impact on the environment. It also provides standardization associated to battery, free run, free range or barn habitation.
Environmental Impact of Animal Husbandry
The impact of animal husbandry to nature depends on the mode of farming and type of livestock. We see the devastating impact of cash crops such as rice totally dissipating local fauna.
The same applies to cattle and goat herding on local wildlife. In India there is constant clash between nomadic farmers and endangered spices like elephants and tigers.
Other bad effects of livestock on nature are water depletion including water pollution from pesticides and animal feces.
Other bad impact is habitat destruction, and vast dead zones of ocean wildlife. Another major challenge due to animal husbandry practice is species extinction of wildlife, insects and fauna.
Other unwholesome practices have added to the problem such as introduction of harmful pesticides and indiscriminate bush burning. Other harmful agents are the use of synthetic fertilizers, mono-culture and herbicides.
The negative environmental impact continues because of over-fishing and the use of dynamite by local fishermen. The systemic killing of natural predators for their skin and bones has caused explosion of other species. Even the dreadful Ebola outbreak was linked to consumption of infected monkeys.
To sustain our environment we need to review our farming culture, livestock farming methodology. The growing human population apart from depleting the ozone layer through chemical emissions is gradually killing the planet in unwholesome husbandry practices.
Greenhouse effect, methane emissions, migratory patterns, exploration and industrialization all play a role on climate change. This adds to the rapid depletion of the ozone layer.
In recent days we have witnessed climatic changes such as increased rainfall in some areas, desertification, drought and endless freeze. Although animal husbandry is necessary due to our exploding numbers, better legislatures and practices are required.
While we go about our business lets remember our planet.
Cashmere Goat Farming Business


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