Bioethanol Distillery: How to Start a Bioethanol Distillery Business

bioethanol factory
Bioethanol production is complicated and depends on the abundance of molasses. Concentrated molasses are used in to produce many products including liquefied fertilizer.
Bioethanol the primary product is developed into bio-fuel, industrial ethanol and specialty chemicals.  Apart from having many industrial applications, pharmaceutical companies are top consumers of the products.
Large Bioethanol distilleries operate on several acres of landed property. They produce several million liters of Bioethanol with capacity ranging between 60,000 to 100,000 liters a day.  Top producers in Brazil and Australia manage about 55 million liters a year.
The production of Bioethanol on industrial scale is capital intensive. The investor needs to source long term bank loans to fund the enterprise. An entrepreneur could seek funds from sale of startup equity and a core investor.
What is Bioethanol?
To produce ethanol you need molasses which is a residue of sugar. Molasses occurs during the repeated crystallization of sugar.
Therefore the fermented molasses which is a byproduct of sugar produces the Bioethanol. Molasses is obtained from refined sugarcane and usual has a blackish color.
Bioethanol Products
Industrialists interested in Bioethanol operate within the renewable energy sector. Sugar-based ethanol needs to go through sugar milling to obtain the byproduct molasses. 
Treating the potassium rich substance produces liquid fertilizer. Here is a list of Bioethanol products obtained from the distillery process.
 Fuel-grade ethanol
Liquid fertilizer products
Industrial ethanol product
Chemical solvents
Pharmaceutical applications
Power industry
Marketing Ethanol
It is important to know the various markets to sell ethanol based products. The four major markets include industrial ethanol, fuel ethanol, solvents and fertilizer products.
Fertilizer Products
The potassium rich byproduct is what is used to produce liquid fertilizer. The fertilizer is a good substitute for sold fertilizer. Farmers benefit from the rich fertilizer blend and purchase them from Bioethanol distilleries.
Industrial Ethanol
Bioethanol is produced into a large variety of specialized products. The products have different application and are developed to the specification of the customer.
Major markets for the industrial ethanol are cosmetic companies, aerosol manufacturers, coat spraying, and food, beverage industry. The distiller needs to develop technology capable of produce a large range of products.
Ethanol Fuel
Ethanol fuel is used primarily in transportation and power industry. To achieve fuel grade ethanol the substance is blended with petroleum.
 Fuel ethanol’s best quality is that it is renewable energy and has low emission levels. The distilleries also produce specialty chemicals and solvents
Distillery Operations
Molasses is first weighed and cooled. They are then sent to huge storage tanks for further processing. 
They go through fermentation and diluted with water to make mash. Mash is then mixed with dry yeast and transferred to fermentation tank.
More mesh is added to the yeast which coverts the sugar into alcohol. During the fermentation process carbon dioxide is produced and removed to process food grade CO2.
The beer product then goes through a stripper, hydro-selector, rectifier and demethylisation process. It takes a whole lot of complex processes to achieve commercial products.
Bioethanol production equipment
Hydroselection column
Rectification column
Concentrator column
Demethylisation column
Fermentation tanks
Molasses tanks
Pre-fermentation tanks
Beer tanks
Alcohol storage tanks
Distillery columns
Vinasse receiver tanks
CO2 storage tanks
Concentrated Molasses ‘Stillage’ tanks
Services Rendered by Ethanol Distillers
They handle order charges, minimum delivery sizes packages and order execution. Distillers do the delivery documentation, credit terms and offer special tariffs including concessions. Many top producers have there own outlets in many locations.
Registration and Permits
The industry is highly regulated and you need a multitude of permits. Some are concerned with environmental issues and permits.
Others are hazard chemical handling and safety protocols.  Find out the different laws, permits and certification you need before starting the business.


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