How to Start Barbed Wire Manufacturing Company

barbed wire
Barbed wire companies concentrate on different types of wires. The wires are constructed to demarcate boarders, protection and prevention.
Barbed wires are notable in high security outfits, farms, companies and government facilities. The prevalence of barbed wires in urban houses has exponentially increased the customer base and desirability of this security device.
Leading barbed wire companies produce security mesh, barbed wire and chain link fencing. Other products common in wire factories are concertina wires, coated wire and other wire products.
The beauty of wire business is that large or small manufacturers can cash in on this lucrative business. The startup capital entirely depends on the type of equipment, workforce, business structure and amount of wires produced daily.
There are branded machinery and locally fabricated machinery capable of producing high grade wires. The machinery are assembly line machinery, automated, semi automated and manual feeds.
The durability of the wire depends on the material used during the production and coating. The longevity of the wire depends on the coating and manufacturing process. The highest grade of coating generally lasts about 15 to 20 years.
How to Start Barbed Wire Manufacturing Company
There are many high capacity equipment used in the production of barbed wire. A few of the equipment are the reverse twist barbed wire machine and the high speed barbed wire machine.
 Other equipment involves chain link weaver, PVC extruder and Concentra razor line.  Others are fused bonded induction extruder, eco-panel welder and joint mesh welder
The high speed weaver provides are continuous twist style system and exceptional design. The reverse twist barbed wire machine is capable of six pitch sizes of high tensile barbed wires.
The PVC Extruder applies coatings of various colors and thickness. While the chain link weaver produces unique, high quality designs with precision.
The galvanized iron wire is the main raw material used in the manufacturing of barbed wire. Here is a comprehensive list of equipment found in Barbed Wire Company.
Wire Drawing Line
Crimp Wire Machine
Tension Wire Machine
Tie Wire Machine
Galvanizer Unit
Side Frame Welder
Eco-Panel Welder
Concertina Razor Line
Fused Bonded Induction Extruder
PVC Extruder
Reverse Twist Barbed Wire
High Speed Barbed Wire Machine
Slat Weaver
Chain Link Weaver
Single or Double Security Mesh Weaver
Barbed Wire Marketing Strategy
Device a simple marketing strategy targeted at your preferred consumer. The strategy should identify potential markets, distribution channels and product of choice.
Prevent stock piling inventory or speculative production. In your advertisement campaign provide information on specific services, product type and pricing policy.
You need to keep your prices competitive to make profit and don’t forget distribution. You can target construction companies, government establishment, property developers and private individuals.
The building and construction industry is your primary market especially wholesalers of barbed wire mesh.
Barbed Wire Company Registration
Obtain a trade license, business name and incorporate the business as a limited liability company. Register your small medium enterprise and get insurance.
Your products are liable to value added tax and BIS certification. Find out other permits you need before launching the enterprise.
Financing the Enterprise
Starting a barbed wire company is capital intensive. You need landed property, factory, delivery trucks and labor.
The cost of equipment is high including the galvanized raw materials. The funds are used for advertisement, permits and registration.
Apply for long term bank loans and provide collateral. You need a comprehensive business plan and don’t forget to carry out feasibility study.
Barbed wire production is simple as most of the processes are automated. The galvanized wire is feed into the machine then tension, twisting, and finally reeled. The finished product is warehoused or dispatched to customers through trucks.
Things to Do
Secure funding for the enterprise and understand the manufacturing process. Lease or buy landed property and purchase equipment.
 Hire trained qualified machine operators and develop a marketing strategy. Conduct surveys of trending products and potential customers.


Best guide to start a barbed wire manufacturing company. You can visit Razor Barbed Wire For Sale which is a leading supplier of barbed wires.

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