Grape Wine Making: How to Start Your Own Winery

Most wine products attract good patronage some even premium prices. There are many business opportunities in the wine business apart from owning your own vineyard.
Grape wine making requires skill and running a vineyard is difficult. The composition of the soil, geographical location and type of fruit adds to the eventual product.
 Running a vineyard is a long term investment in time and labor. It takes several years for some wine to mature so patience is important.
Although there are hobbyist wine makers passion and knowledge is the major ingredient in running a vineyard. Luckily wine business takes many forms from wine wholesale, retail,
vineyard and wine clubs. The business format dictates the amount of startup capital required.
How to Start Your Own Winery
Running a vineyard is capital intensive because you need a large parcel of land in an ideal area. Apart from the fix asset having a good storage facility is important.
The purchased property needs to be fitted with test materials, laboratory and production equipment. It is important to get an expert to test the quality of the soil for growing grapes.
 A short cut to owning a vineyard is purchasing an existing one. Before you commit huge funds to buying one get an expert to test the soil, grapes and equipment.
Instead of starting a vineyard you can become a wine merchant. There are thousands of brand names in the market so choosing quality wine is easy.
Wine merchants could lease a shop in a commercial area or mall. The shop should be located in areas of heavy pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Another ideal location for wine merchants is in a market environment.
Research Wine Making
A deep knowledge of different wines is essential if you want to make wine.  The research should involve types of grapes, soil composition and favorable climates.
Other provisions are wine brewing methodology, storage and flavors. The wine industry is very challenging and highly competitive.
You wine needs to compete with wines made from ancient recipes and traditions. To make wine high quality wine hire a master brewer, wine taster, grape farmer and use mechanized farming equipment.
Choose your Grape
There are different types of grapes and only a few are ideal for wine production. The geographical location, soil composition and climate dictate the type of grape that will flourish. Grape types favored by vineyards are Vitis rotundifolia, Vitis Labrusca, Vitis vinifera.
Apply for Permits
Your company is required to obtain a permit to produce alcohol. Incorporate your company and select a business name.
Get a tax identification number, insurance certificate and trade license. The product should pass a basic standardization test and get a NAFDAC identification number.  There are also health and safety regulations and various legal documents.
Startup Cost
The startup cost depends on the scope and size of the enterprise. Cost considerations involve value of land, equipment, storage construction and labor.
Other costs are mechanized farming and maintenance of equipment and farm land. You need to pay for permits, licensing and company registration.
More costs involve hiring professional staff and consultants. Marketing the product, branding and labeling will consume funds.
Vineyard Equipment
The equipment is generally mechanized farming equipment. You also need a powerful sprinkler system and drum barrels. More equipment is crates, pellets, laboratory equipment and office furniture.
Marketing the Wine
Sell your produce to restaurants, bars, hotels and wine retailers. Other outlets are supermarkets, grocery stores and wine bars.
Offer discount to recurrent customers and organize social functions. You can do wine tasting and include small samples.
Hire commissioned sales representatives to push the brand. Do lots of advertisement in electronic and print media.
Recap on Starting a Vineyard
The first step to starting a vineyard is obtaining licensing and permit. Then locate a suitable land to grow the grapes.
Purchase the grapes best acclimatized to your geographical location. You can purchase or lease farming equipment to plant the grapes.
Prepare the processing units and storage space. Market the wine to target demography for better results.
If you want to buy an established winery study their business model and structure. Inspect the produce, equipment and license. Wholesalers or wine retailers only need to purchase the wine of their choice, register the business and lease a store.


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