How to Open a Butchers Shop

meat shop
Butchers shops follow old traditions of meat handling and still fashionable in many communities. The butcher is akin to a milkman providing much needed service to his community.
To run a butchers shop it takes a keen sense of community, knowledge and passion for the job. The main function of a butchers shop is to provide the customer measured cuts of meat.
Many small towns still have butchers shops however large supermarkets sell pre-cut meat to customers. Despite the decline in butchers shop the meat market is ever popular.
An entrepreneur wishing to start a meat shop needs to understand consumer interests. The butcher needs to process only high quality meat for his customers. There are a few things to consider before starting a meat shop
Why are Butchers Shops Popular?
Despite the changing trends in modern living why is the butchers shop still popular. Unlike supermarket meat, butchers are interested in the journey and source of the meat.
They provide advice to shoppers on meat choice, size and cut. In meat shops the customer is not subjected to a fix cut and price. The customer pays according to budget and size of cut.
Financing the Meat Shop
You need proper financing to start a butchers shop. Majority of the funds go into procurement of meat, lease payment and utility bills.
Other areas that require funds are company incorporation, state and local government permits. Finance the business through target savings and soft loans.
Borrow from friends and family or seek a core investor. Startup costs include costly equipment, promotions, stocking premium meat and transportation.
You need to gain practical experience to become a butcher. It takes several years of training and apprentice-ship to get certified. If you don’t want to go through the stress hire a qualified butcher.
Register the Business
To avoid liability claims you need insurance cover and limited liability. Incorporate the business as a limited liability company and provide safety equipment.
There are a few local and state laws guiding meat processing and handling. Meat has many pathogens that require expert handling and storage.
Carry out a Feasibility Study
The feasibility study would help identify the competition. Meat business is highly competitive and there are many places to buy meat products.
The competitors include frozen food stores, supermarkets, open market and other butchers in your community. Due to the huge profit in meat business you need to develop a brand and carve a niche. The only way to beat competitors is through quality product and pricing.
Owning a meat store in a commercial area is important to the success of the enterprise. The shop could be in a market place, crowded corner or near residential homes.
Another good location is close to a popular grocery market. Your store is required to pass health inspection test and food handler certification.
Type of Meat to Sell
The type of meat to stock depends on your business template. Common meats found in butchers shop are chicken, pork, beef and goat.
They also stock duck, lamb and rabbit. Focus only on specific meat types popular in your locality.
Selling mainstream products is an effective marketing strategy. It reduces inventory while optimizing sales.
Your butchers shop needs some specialized equipment. You need sharp knives, plastic wrappers and slicing machine. Others are refrigerator, trays, block paper and weighing scale.
Sourcing the Meat
To reduce costs purchase your meat directly from farmers. A good place to source meat is farmers markets.
Other sources for your product are wholesalers or small vendors. The source of your meat is very important due to ethical issues and increased awareness of such issues.
You need to build customer trust and loyalty by sourcing your meat appropriately.
Promote your enterprise though publications and special offers. Use signage boards, posters and banners. Offer competitive prices, good customer service and quality products.


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