Running a Cookery Class

Cookery classes are fun informal places to learn cooking and food management. The function of a class is to equip participants with the prerequisite skill to prepare simple meals.
The class combines time management, effective use of raw materials and techniques to measure portions. Cookery classes are common in suburban areas, residential areas and large communities.
There are a few things to consider before starting you cookery classes. Some of the things are venue, startup cost, how much to charge and timing.
 Who are your target audience, recruitment, lesions, recipes, equipment and task management?
Running a Cookery Class
Define your Objective
Before you start a cookery class you need to define your objective. Your objectives should include gaining an understanding of portions, improved cooking skill and confidence.
 Others are food management, appropriate tools, list of equipment and detailed lesson plan. Map out the ingredients you will use in each lesson, recipes, class activities and advertisement costs.
Organize the Cookery Lessons
Map out a one month starter course without cooking. This should be followed by a one month cooking class.
Organize lesson plans, carry out research and provide in-depth comprehensive tutelage. Follow a standard curriculum and predetermined the menu.
For busy participants organize a one-off class by incorporating lots of cooking, manuals and tutorials in a big dynamic package.
Lesson Plan
Divide the lessons into one a week and decide on the duration. You can segment the lessons into introduction, key messages, how to plan a meal, and savvy storage. Plan each meal ahead of each class for better presentation.
The main facility in your venue of choice is a huge kitchen. You need adequate work-space for group activity and cookers.
 Invest in utensils, portable cookers, stove and tables. Make sure the venue space can accommodate your students.
Popular venues are school halls, commercial kitchens, community centers, event centers and church halls. Keep the cost of renting a hall very low to increase your profit margin. Make sure the venue is accessible and easy to find.
Costs of Equipment
You are at liberty to hire equipment or purchase your own. Write an equipment list to cover every item you need to prepare the meals.
 Common equipment found at cookery classes are wooden spoons, baking try, chopping boards, pots and pans. More equipment’s are oven proof dishes, whisk, different knives, plates, scales and peelers.
A Comprehensive List of Cookery Equipment
Washing up equipment
Baking tray
Can opener
Chopping board
The type of meal you want to prepare dictates the ingredient requirements. Purchase your ingredients directly from farmers market, supermarkets or grocery stores. Budget $4 per participant to arrive at a ballpark figure.
You can hire a qualified food technician or conduct the classes yourself. Make sure the classes are less than three hours to complete the tasks.
You can target housewives and girls willing to learn effective cooking skills. You can target individuals through advertisement or groups.
Other Important Considerations
To run a cookery class you need a food hygiene certification and provide first aid facilities at the venue. Make provisions for a particular size of participants and vary each class activity.
Use collective cooking ideas towards end of course including short discussions and questions.
Lesson Plan
You cookery classes could run for 8 weeks or a one-off cooking class. The one-off class should have both practical and non practical lesions.
Plan the meals, approach issues like storage, food management and date labels. The plan could include course overview, discussions, meal planning, quiz and cooking.
Class Materials
There are a few things you need to aid the cooking classes. Provide some class materials such as recipes, sample risk assessment and fact sheets.
Provide questioner, handouts and quizzes and develop a meal planner to cover your activities. You need a perfect portion fact sheet, freezer fact sheet, storage planners and waste management fact sheet.
Some Cool Dishes
Here are a few nice dishes you can add to your menu. Pizza, baked apple crisp, stirs fry sweet sour chicken, baked tuna pasta and quesadilla. Include banana-yogurt pancakes, spaghetti Bolognese, sausage risotto, mixed vegetable curry and potato-bacon-feta omelets.
Financing the Business
Try target savings or borrow from friends and family. The majority of the funds go for venue, cooking utensils and promotions. Other fund requirements are purchase of ingredients, labor costs and print materials.


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