Amazon Affiliate Business Ideas: How to Make Money with the Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon Affiliate program is a trusted monetization method for bloggers and webmasters. You signup into the program and get unique affiliate links to products on Amazon.
Amazon is one of the largest eCommerce websites with a massive inventory of products. To become an affiliate you need to have a dedicated website, host plan and good design before applying to become an affiliate.
You earn money through commissions on sale of a product. Once someone uses your product link they have to make a purchase within 24 hours before you earn commission on that sale.  They also have a good tracking system and account system.
Things People Don’t Like About Amazon Affiliate Program.
People interested in become Amazon affiliates have some reservations on commissioned earned. Commissions range from 3.5%-8% depending on the product. Other concerns are because of the relatively short purchase period of 24hrs.
Another reason is that low priced items are popular and easily bought by shoppers. However affiliates have a wide range of items to promote and some attract higher prices and commissions.
For example if someone purchase an item that costs $850 at 10% commission comes to $85.
Why Amazon Affiliate Program is So Successful
The reason why Amazon affiliate programs are successful is because of the easy integration of products on a website. They have lots of easy to implement tools, widgets, text and image links. Another advantage is the large choice of products.
People trust the brand and prefer doing business with them. Other reasons are multiple purchases by people and higher commission on bulk sales.
Once a Webmaster reaches payout they receive money monthly. Another advantage is new bloggers find the program easy to use and implement.
How to Make Money with Amazon Affiliate Program
There are a few things you need to do before applying to become an affiliate. You need to build a website, drive traffic to your blog and select relevant products.
Build a Website
Without a blog or website you might not get approved as an Amazon affiliate. The reason is because you need a platform to sell your products.
Although affiliate links are marketable through many methods the most effective is having a landing page. Post only quality content related the topic or products you wish to promote.
Select a niche, post regularly and add search engine optimization techniques to drive traffic to your blog. Without adequate traffic you get very few conversions and sales.
Make sure your website looks professional, accessible and visible. Leverage on social media channels and other online resources to build a following.
To succeed as an affiliate marketer you need to build trust and loyalty of your readers.
Without targeted traffic your Amazon affiliate earnings will be small. The higher the traffic the more conversions and money you make.
Mid level Amazon affiliate markers are known to earn $40,000-$60,000 yearly achieve through traffic conversions. However new affiliates hardly make $20 monthly however good content and traffic increases the earnings.
There is nothing that converts faster than loyal and trusted readers. Loyal readers and search high engine visibility are the major pointers to increased earnings.
Understanding your reader’s intent or interests and attract the right type of readers.
Write articles that attract readers that are looking for information focused on buying certain products. This type of valuable content converts the best.
How relevant are your products
The question is how relevant are the products to your readers. Promote only products relevant to your niche topic. The product should have a close correlation to the subject matter and interest of your readers.
How to Become an Amazon Associate Member
Reasons to Become an Associate
1 They have a wide range of products
2 Easy integrated plug-in
3 There links are easy to use and place on websites
4 People trust Amazon and buy more of their products
5 You earn commission on any sale from a customer within 24hours
6 Commissions can reach as high as10%
7 Small sales might become larger with time.
Amazon has been around for several years and is a reliable partner in online eCommerce business. The company deals in products sales such as household utensils, electronic items, apparels and books.
They have one of the largest publishing websites that deals with eBooks including print on demand, hardback and soft cover books. And the majority of products accounts for a large number of online sales through affiliated website or blogs partners.
Websites and blogs seeking new ways to earn online income monetize their sites by adding Amazon associate products and services. The website owner adds the Amazon product through a link thereby gets a commission which is credited to his Amazon account when a purchase is made.
The types of links a website or blog masters uses are text only links, text and image, and image only link. The webmaster gets paid if any purchase is done within 24 hours of a customer visiting Amazon product page.
Other advantages of using Amazon Associate products and banners include the ability to select specific items, customization and color outlook. The blogger can earn up top $155 for referrals if an advertiser launches an advert campaign via the bloggers referral.

How to Become an Associate Member
 Join an article directory or Start a website
Joining any revenue sharing article directory that supports Amazon products is one way to start. The method is fast and efficient and after acceptance into the program you can start earning immediately. Most article directories allow contributors sign up for Amazon through their host site making the process easier.
Start a Website or Blog
A website or blog is important if you are considering marketing Amazon products. Products can be placed on your website and when there is a click through and purchase you earn a commission. Blogs are effective marketing tools to build your Amazon ecommerce store.
Targeted audience and traffic is essential for success on the Amazon Associate program. Website owners should write related article about the product including a call to action to get potential customers.
Sign up with Amazon associate, if you already have an Amazon account then all you need to do is join. You need to click the tab join for free and fill the form which has fields such as email, create password and a verification process.
How to Setup an Amazon Affiliate Account
 Fill the application form
The application questioner has sections for name, address, city, country, zip code and contact information. The webmaster should make sure all questions are answered truthfully and honestly so there are no misunderstanding in future business partnership.
Enter your website URL
The next step is to enter your website or blogs URL for verification. Then provide an overview of what your website is about. The webmaster should read the terms of agreement before clicking finish.
If you are successful you get a message of completion and you are allotted an associate ID which is placed on any product link you market.
Once approved to put Amazon products on your website you proceed to Amazon Associate central. On their home page you login, select product with generated link which includes your Associate IID.
Open your blog in another search page and select, copy and paste code on blog. You have the choice to select a text link, text and image or only an image link.
Targeted traffic is important if you are going to make any sales with Amazon Associate the initial sales might be low but with time the payout increases exponentially.
An Amazon associate member can now use a site stripe on their website or widget to place product links without visiting the Associate homepage.
Reasons to become an Amazon Associate
One of the more compelling reasons to become an affiliate is that Amazon is a leader in online commerce. They have been around for over 12 years and are highly trusted and efficient.
The commissions offered by Amazon though small increases with performance and eventually reaching about 10%. Because Amazon has many products covering a large range of items people are more likely to buy from them.
Another reason to become an affiliate is that any customer that uses your product link and buys anything within 24 hours you get the commission. Amazons technologies such as the plug-ins and links work nicely and merchants get paid promptly when payment threshold have been reached.
Though the amount made through banners and product sales are small they build up with time.
Practical Tips to Increase your Amazon Earnings
There are a few things you can do to increase your Amazon earnings and get lots of conversions. Here are lists of strategies that work.
1.     Write high quality content
2.    Increase traffic through SEO techniques
3.    Build a trust and loyal readers
4.    Understand the intent of your readers
5.    Select only relevant products
6.    Amazon tracking system is very efficient
7.    Use social proof marketing using best seller list
8.    Use product reviews and recommendations
9.    Do head to head item reviews
10. Contextual links are powerful and convert better
11. Promote products that have discounts, special offers
12. Add multiple links to a long blog post
13. You can add clickable links to images
14. Try multiple promotional campaigns
15. Focus on the holidays to make huge sales
16. Promote pre-orders and related products
17. Promote big ticket items and small priced items
Although there are many advertisement networks and eCommerce websites that also pay reasonable commissions Amazon is highly trusted. They have the technology, Amazon kindle direct with over a hundred thousand publications monthly, including other products and an experienced staff.
They also have many Amazon stores, discussion groups, after sales service, forums and associate blog sites.
Earn referral income through Amazon product Ads
Webmasters can also earn passive income through their referral program which has to do with referring Advertiser to use Amazon product Ads. For referring a potential advertiser through a link to the Amazon product Ad homepage a web owner earns $5.
If the advertiser signs on and launches a campaign the website owner gets paid $150. So the advertiser gets a top company to advertise while the website owner earns some cash.


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