Worm Farming Business: How to Start a Worm Farm

Worms are used to make organic compost and sold to fish anglers for live bate. Organic compost made by worms is referred to as vermin-compost.
 It is highly priced and attracts premium price. It is sold per pound and in some quarters is called black gold. Making vermin-compost is relatively simple however it needs proper planning and execution.

How to Make Vermin-Compost
The process is ridiculously simple to produce your own compost. Large worm farms collect manure from organic diary farms to use in creating the compost.
Such manure usually has high temperature that can kill worms. You should also check the PH level of the soil before introducing the worms. Before using the manure cool it and introduce into the per-constructed composite beds.
The worms are introduced into the cool manure and fed. They are fed at the top of the upper part of the compost.  Once the compost is ready they slice the lower end to collect the compost.
 If they want to harvest the worms they use a specialized rotator disc to separate the worms from the soil.
How to Build a Small Worm Farm
1.    Select a few snap lid plastic storage bins.
2.    Mark holes on one of the bins
3.    Drill the holes on the cover of the bins
4.    Stack your bins
5.    Prepare the bedding with new paper
6.    Introduce worm food
7.    Add the worms
8.    Secure them from fruit flies or escape
9.    It takes a couple of weeks to see dark brown composite
Worm Farming Business
The most effective way to build your worm farm is by using a good stacking system. It is cost effective and highly productive method. Forget about buying expensive gear use a simple containment box.
To produce a neat functions system is easy and affordable.
Stacking the Bins
Build a multiple stack system with connected worm bins. The warm compost collects at the bottom of the bin while the red worms migrate upwards to feed. To get at the compost the bin is rotated and the process is started again.
Select three plastic bins of different sizes that don’t have vertical sides. The sides are tapered to aid stacking of the nesting bins.
Worm Composter
Your worm composter should have a cover on the first bin. The first bin should be perforated with hole for air. The bottom has lots of holes through which the worm castings drop
Place bedding material at the bottom and top of your first bin.  The middle area of the bin is the active garbage and worm area.
The second bin is where you compost gather while the last bin is the storage bin for worm tea. You can introduce a tap mechanism to your last bin to collect the worm tea.
Under the three stacked bins place two blocks to elevate it from the ground.
Starting your Worm Business
 Start your worm business by first buying some worms. If you like forage and dig for worms to populate your worm bins.
If you find it difficult building your compost bin buy a ready made one.  Add the organic soil and worms and feed them with kitchen scraps. Avoid any oily foods and try fruits and vegetables for faster growth.
Sell your vermin-compost to farmers in your area, bag the rest and store in a dry well aerated place. In advanced countries there are middle men that buy live worms.
The business works as a home based business venture. The startup capital is small and equipment basic.
You can grow worm in very little space if you use the stack method. The job is done part time and compost bed needs minimum maintenance.


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