Beekeeping Business Ideas: How to Start a Beekeeping Business

honey-bees-bees-hive-bee-hive-Beekeeping is very challenging because it is seasonal, subject to climate, bee population and government regulations. The beekeeper needs to work hard at hive maintenance and changing technology.
It is difficult to make huge income from beekeeping and is either a part time or a hubby. That is not to say some beekeepers have found clever ways to increase their yield.
Large companies are better equipped to handle mass production of honey than small businesses. Beekeepers have two primary sources of income selling honey and beeswax.
Bees need flowering plants nectar to make honey and regularly seek such plant. The job is difficult because keepers spend a lot of time repairing the bee hive, frames, assembling and handling equipment.
The business requires year long monitoring and maintenance. Honey production is seasonal and stays dormant for up to six months.
To avoid loss the beekeeper should construct a weather protected hive and provide sufficient nutrition.
How to Start a Beekeeping Business
Gain Experience
You can’t just start a beekeeping business without adequate knowledge of the job. Gain experience from experienced beekeepers, books and practical workshops. Beekeeping operation is overwhelming to the novice and untrained.
Combine your business knowledge and new beekeeping guide to successful keep the insects happy. Bees thrive in stress free, abundant conditions with lots of food and water.
A major down side is swarming when the bees move from one location to the other. Bees live primarily on stored pollen at the end of the season which lasts six months.
Where to locate your bee hive is slightly challenging because of government restrictions on beekeeping within municipal limits. There are only a few areas that permit keeping of bees.
The beekeeper could lease a property, buy land or use an isolated location. Avoid urban areas and locations close to livestock. You must abide by restrictions, prohibitions and regulations biding the business.
Build a store house on the land to keep your equipment. If you don’t have much money store the equipment at your house, garage or tool shed.
The building is also used for mixing bee feed, repair equipment, handling  and extracting honey.
Equipment and Supplies
There is a number of equipment you need for beekeeping business you need a vehicle, hives, fume boards, and queen excluders. Other equipment's are entrance reducers, feeders, robbing screen and bee brush to mention a few.
Beekeeping equipment is divided into protective wear and hive maintenance. Here is a list of equipment you will need for your beekeeping business
`1. Long elbow length gloves are used to prevent bees from stinging the hand or    sleeves
2. Protective Clothing usually white in color
3. Bee Smoker to reduce aggression
4. Veiled hat to prevent the bees from stinging the face
5. A plastic screen called the Queen Excluder fitted with a mesh. The function is to allow bee workers movement while preventing access to the queen.
6. Feeders
7. The Hive is where bees build their combs. Each hive is fitted with a bottom board and cover. The hive is an intricate yet complex mix of bee glue, ledges, boxes, sheets of embossed beeswax, frames and comb cells. The combs are used for raising their young and store food
You need transportation to move equipment and produce. Any rugged truck that can brave difficult terrains will do the job.
9. Bee brush
10. Robbing screens allows ventilation in the hive.
11 Nucleus-Nuc  is a specially designed small hive box
How to Obtain your Initial Bee Colony
Souring Bees
Get your breeder stock from other beekeeper or a functional colony. The bee package should have a resident female to function properly.
Catching wild swarming bees is not advisable because of the prevalence of diseases and poor quality stock. You can contact beekeepers association in your locality or purchase a starter pack from online sources.
Sources of Income
The beekeepers primary source of income is selling bee honey. He also makes money from beeswax and crop pollination. Nectar plants aid bees produce honey therefore its availability in the area you choose to build your hive is important to the success of your operation.
The quality, color and flavor of the honey they produce are dependent on the type of nectar the bees eat.
Marketing your Produce
Sell your honey to neighbor’s friends and family. Display your product at supermarkets, food stores and shops. There are many outlets for your honey and beeswax find them.


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