Angora Goat Farming: How to Farm Angora Goats for Mohair Fiber

Angora Goats are a special breed that produces Mohair.  Mohair is a silk-like fiber made from the hair of the Angora goat.
The yarn is durable has high luster and very resistant. It is luxurious, resistant to flame and has many applications.
 The hair attracts premium price and is rated in the same category as cashmere, or silk. The keratin fiber does not felt and costs more than wool.
Young Angora goat’s hair is highly treasured while the older goat’s hair is used for carpets and outer garments. Other properties of mohair is easy to dye and other applications.
The goats are very efficient fiber producers, moderately gentle, interesting and beautiful.
History of Angora Goats
Angora goats have a long history of domestication and were introduced to Europe in 1554. The goat is believed to have originated from the mountains of Tibet.
The Turkish province of Ankara was the sole producers of Angora goats until 1820. However the goats are found today in South Africa, Yorkshire, Newzealand and the United States of America.
Other countries that farm the animals are Turkey and Australia. Today South Africa is the largest producer of Mohair in the world. While the United States of America is the second largest producer of Mohair.
Characteristics of the Goat
A single goat can produce an astounding 5 kilogram of hair a year. They are fleeced twice a year and are predominantly bred for their white coat.
The male goats are usually castrated and susceptible to parasites because of their dense hair. The most common angora goats bred have white hair.
However cross breeding has produced goats that have silver, white, red and brown hair. The goats need proper feeding and medical care to grow big and healthy.
Younger Angora goats have finer fiber while older goat’s hair starts becoming coerce with age. Mohair other qualities are strength durability and marketability.
 Export farmers can sell the fiber raw or process for better pricing.
Industrial Application of Mohair
Entrepreneurs looking to invest in mohair well make good returns. This is because the valuable fiber has many industrial applications.
The fiber is made into clothing such as coats, sweaters, suits scarves and hats. Other uses include carpets, craft yarns and wall fabrics. The soft yarn is easily blended with other materials such as wool.
Mohair is used to make light weight garments and it’s warmer than other fibers. The fiber also possesses a distinct luster, easy absorbs dyes and vivid colors.
The fiber is either exported raw or semi processed to major manufacturing countries like the United Kingdom. Other recipients of the fibers are Arab countries and Europe.
Textile companies are the major consumers of the product. Secure a contract to supply the fiber and follow their packaging and processing requirements.
To stock your farm you need to find a breeder in your area. You can start your farm buy buying three does and a buck and gradually increase the stock.
Make sure the goats are high quality breeders.  Decide on the type of farm equipment's, fencing, barns and feeding. You can lease land, buy land or work from home if you have adequate space.
Shearing the Goat
Angora goats are farmed for two reasons for meat or fiber. The goats are sheared twice a year and they produce fine fiber.
Keep the fleece clean and prevent fleece damage. Use vet services to tackle tick, lice and worm issues.
The goat is sheared by using scissors or modified electronic hand shears. The method used in preparation for shearing includes keeping the goats dry for 24hrs.
 Farmers prefer shearing younger goats first because of their fine fleece and higher value. Keep the sheared area clean and remove soiled hair before storage.
Breeding Angora Goats
It is not a common practice to use artificial insemination. To breed Angora get a male buck and introduce to does during the breeding season.
The breeding season is usually between July and January. Feed the doe’s high nutritious diet subsequent to breeding.  They don’t have many kids and manage only one or two.
Angora goats live long sometime up to 16 years of age. The best time to start breeding does is 2 years of age. 
Angora kids are delicate and subscribe to cold weathers.  As they grow provide separate feeding pens for kids to grow.
profitable livestock farming business


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