Affiliate Marketing Ideas: A Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

We will show you how to start affiliate marketing as a newbie. To start the business venture you need to understand what affiliate marketing means.
What exactly is affiliate marketing and what are the basic requirements for a new entrepreneur. Affiliate marketers earn commission through product or service recommendations.
 The business format is easy to understand and very simple and there are a few basic requirements for the process to work. The marketer first has to find a product or service to promote.
The next step is signing up with the company as an affiliate.  Only a selected group of companies offer affiliate programs. Therefore your job is to find the ones that offer great customer service, high quality items and good commissions.
Once you have signed up to an affiliate program you would be assigned a special link. The link allows the merchant track the people that use your link.
The affiliate only earns commission if a product or service is purchased. That is the basic principle behind affiliate marketing programs.
There are other highly advanced methods used by merchants however they follow the same basic fundamentals.
affiliate marketing
How they Track Links
The simplest form of tracking an affiliate’s link is via cookies or advanced IP recognition. Others have simple codes within the URL link that identifies the affiliate’s link.
When a customer clicks on your link a cookie is used to track the customer’s actions. If the customer buys or orders a service within a stipulated period the sale is credited to the affiliate.
This period varies between merchants from 24hr to 2 weeks and above. The cookie effectively allows the merchant trace the source of the sale.
Some use your email to track and record sales credited to a particular link.
How to Locate a Winning Product
Affiliate marketing is very dynamic and offers the marketer lots of choices. The products range from automobiles, RV rentals, holiday packages, household items and electronics.
The endless list includes books, ebooks, hotel bookings and other services. To succeed as a marketer you need to choose your product or service carefully.
Promoting just any product that catches your fancy will fail. To promote an affiliate product you need a website or blog.
Although there are many methods of promoting without owning a website, owning one makes the job easier. Lets assume you already own a blog or website but if you done read this article on building a Wordpress blog in less than ten minutes.
Every website or blog has a niche market and is focused on certain demography. There are websites that offer music, downloads, news and magazines or internet related articles.
If you choose a product that has to do with software development on a pet care website it will not work. Only select goods, services or items that your readers and followers can identify with your brand.
This is the only way to selling lots of products through your affiliate link. Find only things related to your subject matter for a better chance at conversions.
Things to Consider Before Selecting a Product
There are a few things you should consider before promoting any product or service. Why not buy and use the product to get a first hand idea of what it’s all about.
How are you going to honestly recommend a product or service without proper testing? If the product is something you have used in the past your reviews will be honest and your audience will appreciate your opining.
Do your readers gain any benefits purchasing the service or product? For seamless purchase make sure the merchant has a good checkout platform.
We encountered the above problem when recommending a particular ebook. The book was an epub format and readers found it difficult downloading the book.
The last and equally important aspect before promoting a product is the commission. Is the commission commensurate with the time and effort used in the promotion?
Avoid items with low commissions and focus on things that pay. The product you eventually choose to promote should fulfill all the conditions mentioned above.
There are a few products you already use and find useful and convenient. Create a list of such items and search for affiliate programs to match your list.
Types of Affiliate Products or Services
There are different types of products and services to promote. They fall under three major categories namely information products, physical products and services.
You need to select the product that best complements the niche or subject of your website.
Information Products
Information products are very popular and earn both creator and marketer good returns. The product could be a software, downloadable digital product or a book.
Information products are usually tutorial to help solve a problem. They may teach specific subjects like how to do something or impact specialized knowledge.
Information products are created by webmasters, info product marketers, bloggers, writers and entrepreneurs.  The product is a favorite because of high commissions and pricing.
Other reasons are they solve problems that cut across, programming, business and creative ventures. They have good marketing structures and sell easily.
If the creator of a product is a recognizable brand it adds to the value. Getting an affiliate gig for an information product requires trust, and personal approval by the author.
A good place to find digital products to refer to your audience is Clickbank. Info product commissions are higher than physical product commissions.
You can get up to 45% commissions due to the digital format. To select info product find those that have huge commissions, good products and brand name. The interesting thing about promoting such a product is the amount of sales possible on one good item.
Physical Products
The best place to earn affiliate commission on physical products is Amazon. The reason is simply the vast number of items sold on the website.
Physical products are easy to promote and stress free. The downside is that commission earned through physical products is very small.
As a starter in affiliate business joining Amazon will help build experience and understand the dynamics of affiliate programs.
You commission start at a lowly 4% and increases steadily to 8%. You can’t get rich selling products from Amazon but you will gain lots of insight to affiliate marketing.
Login into Amazon associate central and sign up as an affiliate. After approval you select products on your dashboard and get links.
You then place the links which are text, text and image or image alone. The link you generate is coded to your account and any purchase through your link and you earn commission.
The difficulty level to get conversion is low because of the 24 window for purchase. Some physical product websites offer longer conversion time up to one month.
The longer the sales window the higher your chances at earning commissions. Try to choose a niche item that correlates with the theme of your website.
There are lots of services you can recommend to your readers. There are services related to creating a media kit, selling a template and hosting.
Other services include web applications, web design, search engine optimization and many more. Your job is to find the service related to your blogs content.
Service oriented jobs sometimes attract recurrent earnings. The commissions you can make on service products range from 12%-35%.
Why affiliate marketing tops the list
Monetizing your blog includes affiliate links, referral links and advertisement. The more common form of earning money online is advertisement.
The only problem with adverts either contextual or image you need huge traffic to earn a decent wage. It takes lots of work and huge effort to make money using only banners or text ads. A good affiliate product will earn four times that amount in no time.
Promoting your Link
You just can’t place your link on your blog and start counting the money. This is possible if you have a huge traffic of visitors daily.
Let’s see how far you have come.
You have a website and have selected a good product that has high commission. You need to promote your link like any business to make sales.
To market your links create a resource including a dedicated email. Do lots of product reviews to generate interest and sales.
The review should be honest, insightful and compelling. Other parameters in your review are headline features, clear buy links and recommendations.
You can use tutorials on a niche topic and include an affiliate link related to the subject. Another marketing tool is creating a strong sales page for the product or service.
Try writing comparison posts between two or three items and include a recommendation. Many marketers prefer using email marketing to target sales.
To avoid spam use only the email list you gathered on your website then include your sales letter with a call to action.
Other Tips
Affiliate marketing is a good way to earn supplementary income. Some tips to starting an affiliate business include selling what you know and building a website.
Others are do lots of research on affiliate programs, join one and add affiliate links to content. Don’t forget to use your sidebar to add visual ads, promote product relevant to content.
An interesting way to study your success is using analytic, pay taxes, automate and market effectively.

 Passive Income Ideas

They say you can’t get rich on the internet but some have become super rich and have made millions. They say you cannot make money yet some people make a living online.
Some say only peanuts and nothing else, we say knowledge innovation and dedication can earn you income. The income maybe passive but consider earning about $50 each from ten affiliate programs.
Simple addition comes to $500 dollars a month which isn’t bad. Affiliate payouts maybe small but combined can make huge earnings.
Many -Streams of Income
What do we mean by many streams of income it simply means MAKING MONEY from different sources at the same time? Many streams maybe penny based but they add up. in the long run.
Several top companies have carefully created affiliate programs to help webmasters earn money. Some of the top websites that offer affiliate programs are the web/content/product marketing website. 
Another is the search engine giants,, the number one book publishers and sellers and eBay best auction/bid website. These website run advert networks and affiliate programs that help website owners monetize their websites.
Who is an Affiliate
An affiliate is a link between an individual and an organization for business purposes. The larger company as a rule takes care of the shipping, payment. Other functions include receiving member’s earnings, paying commissions and a sales report.  
They support their affiliates through tutorials and customer care services. They are fully interested and committed to the success of an affiliate.
Making Money through Google programs
Google Adsense Programs
 The company Google Inc is an internet based service, product provider and top search engine founded by Sergey Brian and Larry Page.
The Company in 2012 earned top revenue of $12.76 BILLION. They have several subsidiaries like YouTube, Motorola mobility, DoubleClick and many more.
Google Adsense is an easy revenue sharing program that helps websites monetize. Webmasters get paid through target advertisements that are displayed on websites.
The advertisements are customized to match the host websites outlook. They also have the facility to track traffic which is the most important resource for any website.
The Google Adsense program is free like Amazons Associate and eBay affiliate programs. For a website to be considered it most have good content should be devoid of obscenity and hate content.
The traffic generated allows Google access the websites rating and type of advertisement placed on the websites. The more the traffic the website gets the better the chances of making good returns on your advertisements.
Webmasters should use search engine optimized words to allow Google crawlers locate their websites. When this is combined with good content it helps Google place user friendly competitive advertisements on your website.
Website owners can also deploy the use of text to encourage visitors use the links.
Different Adsense programs
Google for Content
Google Adsense is not only about advertisements but has to do with the methodology web owners and visitors use to reach Google advertisements.
Google Adsense for content is advertisement that has good content as bedrock. They are text streaming videos and other media types. The user is given a choice to use either the multimedia or simple text or both.
Adsense for Feeds
Websites that have over a hundred and fifty sign-up users is best suited for Google adsense for Feeds. They should be active subscribers before the website owner can sign up for this affiliate program.
If the website owner has multiple sites Google places the advertisements on each site according to its content. Your earning are then channeled to one single account. The feeds work through insertion of images on feeds.
Google Adsense for Search
Google Adsense for search allows website owners place Google search capsules on their sites, when a user uses the link and buys a product or clicks on an advert the webmaster gets paid.
Adsense payouts
Google Adsense is not an affiliate program however it works through pay per click
EBay Affiliate program
On your website eBay provides a link and any time a user clicks on the link and becomes an active user the webmaster gets paid.
 If the user places a bid on an item in the eBay store the affiliate gets paid, if an item is purchased by the user the affiliate earns $0.05 to$4
How it works
EBay affiliates earn through lead generation payment methods. The sales pay out per bid is $0.05, if a visitor goes through your link and places a bid and becomes an active user you get paid.
If other register through your link you get paid. Multiple website owners are moderated through commission junction where your status and account can be viewed.
Payment method
Any account that has a cumulative sum of $23 get paid monthly and any earning above$550 are liable to USA tax.
Amazon Associates
Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos with their cooperate headquarters in Seattle Washington.  The company has products such as Amazon kindle, Amazon stores and other products.
The company is worth $32.535 billion several years ago. Amazon has stores in India, Brazil, Spain, Germany UK and Italy. All Amazon associates before getting an affiliate contract must first have a good content website.
Amazon is also the number one book sellers. Their associates are provided links that include image of product, short text, price and location. If a visitor uses the link on your website and buys the item you get paid.
 In order to sign on as an associate you need to open an Amazon account then sign up. The 3 step process covers your name, address, age, sex, type of website a valid phone number and confirmation and finish.
They will then issue you Identification. They pay their associates a flat rate of $10 for kindle and $4 on other purchases.
The topmost payment methods on these programs use PayPal, MasterCard, direct deposit or checks. By signing up with these top websites you can monetize your website and earn many streams of income.
Some More Top Affiliate Websites
As stated earlier affiliate marketing helps you monetize your website or blog. It can be very lucrative if applied well.
Affiliates are offered merchants products through links or advertisements. Whenever a visitor clicks on a link and buys a product the affiliate gets paid. The website owner has the choice of product he wants displayed on their site.
The website has one of the largest networks, with about 12 million affiliate partners and a very good affiliate network, high customer service and support. The website offers to its subscribers well over 2600 affiliate programs you can choose.
 Every aspect is properly managed for greater returns and profitability. Getting on the affiliate platform is easy and stress free.
This website has a high ranking and is very popular with affiliate seekers. They offer an excellent platform good customer relations have a good PPA network. They also have priority software and over 1200 merchant programs.
ClickBank is one of the top affiliate networks available online. They sell digital products, eBooks and Digital software. They have a very large number of products ranging in the thousands that you can select from their library.
To become an affiliate is free and they offer excellent assistance and customer service. The affiliate has the added advantage of choosing the product that best complements your websites look and feel.
ClickBank has one of the highest pay outs for its affiliates, they pay 75% commission any time someone uses your link and buys a product. The high commission also allows joint venture partnership between other affiliates where their commission is shared between partners.
The joint partners can promote the same product or other products. Other benefits of the website are increased sales through product promotion and traffic.
Pay out. The website pays on time either through checks or direct deposit. Their tracking system makes sure purchases are well documented and remuneration is promptly paid usually within 1 week or 1 month.
If someone buys a product with 60 days of using your link you still get paid. Another website you can search for is Clix Galore.  Webmasters who want to make money on their site should consider affiliate marketing as a good source of income.
Affiliate Marketing Without a Website
Building a website or blog is the most common way affiliate marketers use to promote products. A website works because it is an ever present marketing tool that brings in customers.
However, if you are not interested in building a blog or website there are several methods to get your links noticed.
Post on Forums
Forums that have subject matters relevant to your products or services are ideal places to post affiliate links. Usually after a few important contributions to the topic you can place your affiliate link in you forums signature.
Guest Post on Blogs
Guest posting on blogs is another effective marketing tool to reach tons of customers. Send guest posting requests to top blogs in your category and include a sample of your writing and website link.
If you get a gig on a top blog you are likely to attract thousands of new customers. You can also insert your affiliate link or website link into your blog post signature.
Write a Viral Ebook
Any viral product is a big asset to affiliate marketers. A top selling book with affiliate links can boost your affiliate income.
Other products or media that can go viral are Facebook threads, twitter hashtags topics, or YouTube videos.
Any format you use can get you more clients once you add your affiliate links. What ever medium you use so long as it’s informative and useful you get customers.
Create a YouTube Series
People a hooked on interesting series if it covers areas of interest. You can add your affiliate links in the description and leverage on your fan base.
The links must be related to the topic of the series to have any significant impact.
Write advertisements or Reviews
You can use classified websites to successfully promote affiliate products. Write a review on the product you intend selling and add affiliate links. This method is commonly used by affiliate marketers.

Use Hubpages
Hubpages is the number one article directory online. They accept content from anybody around the world and share revenue with the contributor.
Using hubpages to get lots of traffic to your affiliate link is a great way to increase income. The added advantage is that you also make money with the article you contributed.
Sign up here for hubpages its easy, free, fun and you don’t need any programming or website building skill.
Promote affiliate products through pay-per click advertisement. If you have some money to burn then use this method to get customers.
You need to create pay-per click campaigns through Google and promote the merchant website directly through your affiliate link. This last method is highly effective but not recommended and it involves too much capital expenditure.
How to market affiliate links without a website
Post on blogs
Post on forums
Create a viral product
Create a YouTube video
Build a hubpages hub
Write reviews
Promote affiliate products though pay-per click advertisement
Something about Passive Income
To build up pathways you need to create real time income streams through hard work research and by not falling for any get rich story. There are many affiliate programs out their like ClickBank, Fiverr, Amazon associate, and advert networks like Google Adsense.
 You can write for contributory websites like Hubpages, Bukisa, Enzime. You can sell used books, old and new items on eBay, write an ebook/book, and do online outsourcing, secretarial work, transcription work and many more.
 You are only limited by your ability, skill, knowledge and determination. If you are good with computers you can become a consultant, get paid building website on request, build your own blog and monetize.
Passive income requires time, a positive attitude and the little money digits will come and eventually add up.


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