How to Start a Profitable T-Shirt Business

You must have lots of passion and dedication to start a t-shirt business. T-shirts are casual wear, fun and has loads of applications. The garment is worn by everyone both young and old.
 Small business owners can start the cloths enterprise with moderate investment. There are few elements to t-shirts such as fabric quality, design, and graphics.
You need to create a powerful brand name, work hard and strategize. Write a business plan and feasibility study to find an ideal location, suppliers and print company.
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How to Start a T-shirt Business
Develop Your Skill
You need to have knowledge of designs including creative skills to produce awesome t-shirts. Learn through trial and error, books and online resources.
Enroll in an Art and craft institute and attend seminars or training workshops. Other ways to develop your skills is to sign up for an apprentice program.
Study the business structure of top companies in you locality.  Find credible people to work with such as cloths wholesalers, retailers and graphic printers.
Make sure you find a reputable screen printer that produce high quality prints. Focus on supply chains, equipment and develop a marketing plan.
Your research should cover your target market, fabric, demography and planning. You need to consider fund sources, staff, equipment and suppliers.
Your business plan should have future goals, growth potential and mission statement.
Build a Professional Website
Build a professional website dedicated to your t-shirt business.  Build a reputation through testimonials and direct lots of traffic to your website.
Without lots of traffic you will not make any sales. Use SEO techniques to boost the visibility of your website and get your website on top t-shirt websites or blogs.
The huge traffic form such blogs will follow a link to your website. You can use Google Adwords campaigns to target such blogs or do guest blogging.
Use professional website designers to build your site and add a shopping cart. Your websites should have good digital images, description, prices and checkout.
T-Shirt Designs
Make sure your designs are fun, original and appealing. Create different partners, graphics, and art work before committing to print. Make sure the colors are balanced and complement the shirt.
Try out different sketches and create unique fun designs. Study your competitors for inspiration and ideas. Follow trending topics, news, celebrities, and cartoons for inspiration.
Use a Good Screen Printer
Screen printing is a specialized field that requires expertise and quality equipment. The quality of the equipment and operator determines the outcome of the print
Find screen printers that use modern machinery that handles colors effectively. A good print should have brilliant colors and barely detectable to touch.
Quality print t-shirts are in high demand in departmental stores, malls and wholesalers. Quality products attract huge sales and premium prices.
If you don’t want to use external screen printer then buy the equipment.
You can borrow money from banks through bank loans or friends and family. Use your savings or find a business partner. You can start a small t-shirt business from home with $5000.
Make sure your accounts are up to date and don’t forget taxes. Register your business as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. Secure a trade licenses and personal identification number.
Offer good customer service, quality items and prompt shipment. Don’t be afraid to delegate screen printing to companies that handle such jobs.
Advertise your business through social media channels and Google. Use directories and yellow pages to reach customers.
Try offering discounts and giveaways to increase customer base. Make flyers, posters, business cards and distribute in your locality.
Advertise in newspapers, magazines and local publications. Other marketing sources are blog posts and free classified websites.
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