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Rice Bran Oil: Start Your Own Rice Bran Oil Business

rice bran oil
 Wikimedia Commons

The oil extracted from the hard outer layer of rice is rice bran oil. Rice bran oil is ideal for commercial kitchens that require high temperature cooking.
 Ideal applications for rice barn oil in cooking meals include deep frying and stir frying methods. The composition of the Smokey oil includes 75% unsaturated fat, 38% oleic acid, 37% polyunsaturated fat and 38% monounsaturated fat.
 It contains low amount of omega 3 fatty acid and has some point of 232°C. The physical properties of crude refined rice bran oil are low moisture, free fatty acids and iodine.
The oil is rich in phytosterois and vitamin E while improving blood cholesterol. Another interesting fact about rice bran oil is the 17% oil content.
Benefits of Rice Bran Oil
Rice bran is predominantly the by-product of rice milling once the husk is removed. Scientists have discovered many things about this oil extract such as reduction of plasma cholesterol and antioxidant stability.
The crude rice bran oil is notable for the high amount of vitamin E and oryzanol present in the extract.
Startup Cost Considerations
Things to consider before starting rice bran oil business. Study the project cost, cost of equipment, leasing, funding, profit margin and capital involvement.
Understand the key risk factors, market analysis, business structure and operational costs. You need to take into account raw material, utility bills, labor, infrastructural costs, fixed and working capital.
Other important factors are pricing, income and expenditure.
Write a Rice Bran Oil Extraction Business Plan
The business plan should focus on research, production methodology and pricing. You need an executive summary, rice bran analysis, risk, success, and marketing strategy.
Carry out a Survey
Carry out a survey of edible oil industry, rice bran industry and competitors. Understand what it entails to set up a rice bran oil processing plant. You should have a comprehensive project detail, location, layout, equipment and easy access to raw materials.
Rice Bran Oil Extraction Process
There are two ways oil is extracted from rice bran. The processes are expelling press method and the solvent method.
The press method is better suited to small processing plants while large companies prefer solvent method. The extraction process goes through preparation, extraction and crude refining.
 The preparation method involves heating the rice bran. The next stage is extraction of the oil. As stated earlier this is achieve through pressure or a solvent.
The resultant produce from the extraction process is defatted rice bran and bran oil. The extracted oil then goes through steam distillation, filtration, and deodorization.
The Extracting Process of Rice Bran Oil
The rice bran goes to the air separator the steam cooking and drying section. After steaming it goes through solvent extraction, distillation then crude rice bran oil.
 Animal feed manufactures use the broken rice from the air separator to make animal feed. It goes through steaming, solvent, de oiled then animal feed.
Marketing Rice Bran
Rice bran wax is used in many cosmetic and shoe wax companies. Other applications are in confectionery such as deep frying and stir frying.
The major use of rice bran oil is as cooking oil.  Consumers of the product are industrial kitchens, restaurants and large hotels. Others are fast food outlets, catering services and food vendors.
Build a Website
Hire a website developer to build a nice looking website. The website should be search engine optimized and easy to navigate.
Include in the design a shopping cart and image of your product. Add a detailed description, production method and price.
You can drive traffic to your website use online advertisement channels. Other marketing techniques are through sales representatives and product initiatives.

Energy Drink Business: How to Start Energy Drink Manufacturing Business

energy drink
An energy drink is a non-alcoholic beverage that boosts the consumer. It is a caffeinated drink that provides physical and mental stimulation.
The drinks major ingredient includes caffeine, herbal mix and sugars. The addition of stimulants in energy drinks provides the beverages cognitive effect.
Despite its popularity the drink is associated with many health related risks.  Some notable effects of the drink is hyper activity, endurance and increased muscle strength.
However there is little scientific evidence alluding to the claim. Common reactions to the drink are nervousness, dyspepsia and headaches.
Other reactions include sleeplessness, abnormal heart beat, and frequent urination. Caffeinated energy drinks have a huge market and attract good prices.
There is a proliferation of different energy drinks in the market making the business highly competitive. To start your energy drink business you need adequate capital, permits and certification.
Major players in the energy drink business are soft drink manufacturers such as Pepsi and Coca Cola.
How to Start Energy Drink Manufacturing Business
Create a Competitive Drink.
The consumer is king in the energy drink market. Common ingredients in energy drinks are phosphoric acid, citric acid, fructose and vitamin B complex.
Other ingredients in the carbonated drink include caffeine, herbal extracts like ginseng. Taste is very important when producing a winning product.
There are many flavor to choose from such as orange, lemon, lime, berries, pineapple, grape fruit and citrus flavors. The sugar content should be delicately balanced between sweet and moderate.
The manufacturer needs to experiment and develop a good product.
Composition of Energy Drinks
The contain sugars, vitamin B2,B6,B3, B12, corn syrup, carbonated water, sodium and taurine. More ingredients are ginseng, riboflavin, sucralose and energy blend. The energy blend consists of the delicious Guarana, Glucuronolactone, glucose,maltodextrin and caffeine.
Age Group of Customers
Although both men and women indulge in a drink of energy products it attracts a certain age group. The age groups that are more likely to buy an energy drink are 17 to 35. College students and young adults consume about 60% of the market.
Regulations and Permits
There are strict regulations guiding the consumption, content and production of energy drinks. A few countries have banned the beverage because of health related concerns.
It is strictly prohibited to sell the drinks to minors or pregnant women. Many Muslim dominated countries have banned the drinks. Make sure the drink is allowed in your country before investing in the enterprise.
Marketing the Energy Drink
The manufacturer’s target young adults and women. The typical packaging is thin aluminum cans or bottles.
Major consumers are athletes, health conscious individuals, fitness and sports enthusiast. Manufacturers use colorful names, energetic advertisements to push the brand.
The four cardinal rules are clever marketing, brand recognition, memorable name and attractive packaging. You need too partner with other beverage distributors and develop a nationwide distribution network.
Financing the Business
The business is capital intensive therefore you need bank loans. Apply for bank loans and present your business plan and collateral.
You might have to come up with 1/3rd of the money before they execute the loan. Other sources to raise capital is finding a core investor or selling equity in your startup business.
The funds will go into purchasing equipment, leasing or buying a property. You need lots of fixed and working capital to run a successful non-alcoholic energy drink business.
Learn the manufacturing process and hire an expert in the business. The number of staff you need depends on the size and scope of your business.
 Don’t forget to write a business plan and carry out a feasibility study before launching the enterprise.
Make sure the cost price of the product is competitive and the quality high.  You need aggressive marketing strategy to compete with established brands.

Organic Farm Greenhouse: How to Start an Organic Farm Greenhouse

Organic farming is trending and in high demand throughout the world. A focus on nature, greenhouse effect, natural fruits and healthy style of living has increased the demand for organic products.
The products attract premium prices and have carved their own niche markets. Entrepreneurs interested in investing in organic farming could achieve profitability within a year.
The business is perfect as a home based enterprise, small, medium or large scale business. The financial involvement depends on the size and scope of the enterprise.
Organic farming is sustainable, easy to accomplish ad environmentally friendly. To start an organic farm you need practical gardening experience and passion.
Other resources to consider are labor costs, marketing, type of product and farming methodology.
How to Start an Organic Farm Greenhouse
Understand the Business.
Before starting a greenhouse project you need to understand the business. Learn from practical experience, workshops, apprentice schemes and seminars.
Gather information through reference books, conferences and various educational programs. Purchase trade magazines, e-books on greenhouse production, construction and management.
Finally you need to develop your marketing skill and apply for membership in certain organizations. Once you have acquired the prerequisite farming skill you should need business experience.
Write an Organic Farming Greenhouse Business Plan
Once you are through learning the rudiments of the trade write a business plan. The business plan is merely a guide towards establishing the enterprise.
The plan should highlight mission statement, company structure, product and marketing. Other parameters are startup costs, sourcing raw material, labor and equipment.
Conduct a feasibility study of your immediate location to understand challenges. Study organic greenhouses in your area, products and business template.
What are the income levels, population including grocery shops in the area? Conduct a survey and gather as much data as possible before determining the profitability of the enterprise.
Determine the Size of the Business
The size of the business impacts on amount of funds required. Small homestead farmers attract small funding.
However large commercial green houses require substantial capital involvement. The size also impacts on the labor costs and growing method.
Other things to consider are soil composition, mechanized or manual farming and availability of resources.
Crops to Grow
You need to determine which type of crops you are going to grow. Focus only on popular products that attract a fair price in the market.
Study the prevailing industrial trends, climatic conditions, turnover period and growth seasons. The financial reward and profitability of the enterprise should be commensurate with investment and labor.
Finding land for Farming
Large commercial farms are best suited for rural areas. Good commercial farm land should have a good soil composition, pesticide free and adequate drainage.
Nearness to a source of water supply is also important. Get an expert to conduct a land survey, climatic conditions and study the topography.
Financial options pertaining to land acquisition are lease hold or purchase. Study the land use regulations including state and government tax requirements.
There are strict laws and provisions guiding organic farming. The laws include pesticide regulations, zoning formula, fertilizer usage and other provisions.
There is also land use license, trade license and company registration. Your business could operate as a one man show or incorporate the establishment as a LLC. Other things to consider are labor laws, sales tax including income and property tax.
The type of labor could be mechanized or manual. You could hire casual staff from your host community and an organic farming consultant.
The labor costs are lower in rural communities than urban areas. Join greenhouse growers association for assistance and resources.
Greenhouse Structure
Build your greenhouse with provisions for expansion. Make sure the design compliments climatic conditions and soil composition.
Hire a greenhouse architect to design a commercially viable structure for your enterprise. Important considerations are greenhouse management, engineering, layout and building practicality. There are many establish companies that sell greenhouse to farmers.
Prepare the land
Prepare the land using only organic manure. Make sure the land is free from pesticides and harmful agents.
Employ either mechanized farming or manual labor to till the land. Purchase top quality seedlings from established organic farmers.
Marketing the Organic Crops
Organic crops are popular and attract premium prices.  You can sell your crops at farmers markets, grocery stores or supermarkets. Other locations are open markets, florists and direct to homes.How to Start an Organic Farm

Ginger Oil Production

ginger oil

Another highly lucrative business venture too explore is ginger oil production. Ginger is obtained from the rhizomes of an upright 1meter tall tropical plant.
It possesses a distinct aroma and many commercial properties. Ginger has many applications such as spicing or adding flavor to dishes.
 It is either preserved, used fresh , dried or processed. Fresh ginger is common in many vegetable dishes while preserved ginger is exported and traded internationally.
Dried ginger also attracts foreign markets because of the stronger flavor and aroma. One of the derivatives of crushed or distilled ginger is oil.
Culinary applications of ginger include biscuits, cake, ginger beer, soups
and beverages.
Ginger oil Distillation
The process of extracting ginger oil is through steam distillation. The processed oil varies in color, viscosity aroma and pungency.
There are two extraction methods solvent extraction and steam distillation. The derivatives of steam distillation are essential oils.
While processing companies use ginger oleoresin for the solvent extraction method. Steam extraction method uses the dried and grounded ginger powder.
Ginger oil is made when steam contact ginger powder and water producing oil. The oil and water are recovered in separate tanks.
Water leaves the flask from the bottom region while essential oil is collected at the top.
The Flow Chart for Ginger Oil Extraction
The Ginger rhizome is harvested and supplied to the processing plant. Then it undergoes through sorting and washing to remove sand, stones and other impurities.
Once the sorting is over the ginger is crushed and goes through the sedimentation process. During the extraction process raffinate is removed and starch is removed during the sedimentation process.
Ginger Rhizome – Sorting – Washing – Crushing – Extraction – Sedimentation
Registering the Ginger Processing Factory
Register the business as a sole proprietorship. Most small processing plants are one man businesses operating with fabricated equipment.
You need a food handler’s license and trade license. Get insurance cover and tax identification number. Join oil manufacturers union in your community for basic support.
Locate the Enterprise
Locate the enterprise close to source of raw materials. Such a location is in rural areas or farming settlements.
Source your products from farmers or ginger wholesalers. You are at liberty to buy property or lease depending on your finances.
Hire staff
 You need experienced distillery workers to handle the production process. Hire machine operators, cleaners, driver, security personnel and accountant. You can employ casual staff or people in your host community.
Equipment used in Ginger Distilleries
Common equipment’s are boilers, crushers, evaporator vessels and cooling tanks. Others are grinder, pumps and Florentine tanks. A small ginger oil processing plant should manage 25kg daily.
Florentine tanks
Evaporator vessel
Cooling tanks
Packaging kegs, bottles or nylons.

Pricing the Ginger Oil Product
The price of your produce is bound by different factors. Some factors that affect pricing are wages, price of raw commodity, transportation and production process.
 Others are lease agreements, permits, licensing including packaging and marketing. The major expenditure would be the equipment and installation.
Financing the Enterprise
The extraction method equipment and plant capacity dictates the cost of setting up the plant. There are a few small plants that manage on moderate funding.
Try target savings, soft loans from micro finance banks or partnership agreements. Other funding sources are sales of startup equity or a core investor.
Marketing the Ginger Oil Product
Dried ginger attracts high premium prices in international market. You can dry some ginger for export and also produce ginger oil for local consumption.
Major markets are biscuit makers and beverage companies. Ginger is also processed into various spice mixes and flavors. Groundnut Oil Processing Business

Potato Powder Processing

By BASFPlantScienceCC BY 2.0,
Potato powder is primarily used as a thickening agent in meals. The popularity of the ingredient has increased in recent times providing decent earnings for any potato powder processing company.
 Potato is an important food crop due to its many food applications. Potato could be processed into flour, paste, cooked, boiled or fried making the crop very valuable.
Other uses of potato are in snacks such as meat pies, pizza, potato chips and soups. Nutritional composition of potato includes fat, crude fiber, ash, protein and loads of carbohydrates.
A major challenge faced by manufacturing companies is that potatoes spoil easily and require proper storage and handling.  There are different verities of potatoes and they come in different sizes, shapes, flavors and taste.
The manufacturer needs to source potato suitable for production native to the areas and ecology. Before starting your processing plant you need to write a business plan.
 Try to study industrial trends, conduct a comprehensive survey and carry out marketing research. Other things include amount of working capital needed, equipment, plant size, profit ratio, cost and revenue.
Working out all these provisions will provide a solid business template for the startup enterprise.
How to Start a Potato Powder Processing Company
Potato is the primary raw material used in potato powder production.  Potatoes grow only in certain regions and geographical areas of the world.
 If you fall into this category then you can start a potato powder processing company. A good Location for your factory is close to the source of raw material.
Locate the enterprise close to a major potato market or farm. This strategy cuts down transportation cost, handling and fuel.
 It also provides easy and quick access to abundant raw material. The location you choose should have utilities such as water, electricity and good drainage system.
A good road network and easy access to factory site is very important. Your factory needs a good dry storage facility, proper processing equipment and cheap labor.
Administrative Set up
The administrative set up should include management team, factory workers, security guards and cleaners. Put in place a waste disposal framework and factor labor costs.
Raw Material
Like most plants potatoes have their own growth and harvest season. This might impact on the production capacity of the plant. Some companies dehydrate the potatoes for longer shelf life or import potatoes to cover the short fall.
Machinery used for Potato Powder Processing
Potato powder processing companies use similar equipment. The equipment's are manual, semi automatic or fully automatic machinery.
There are many locally fabricated machinery and top range branded equipment. The financial capability and plant capacity dictates the type of machinery purchased.
Common equipment found in potato, powder companies are steam boiler, pulverizes, dryer and weighing scale. Other equipment's are potato peeling machine, slicing machine and sealing machines.
 A moderate sized establishment should produce about 500kg a day.
How to make Potato Powder
There are two ways to make potato powder. The first method is to wash the potato, peel and grate.
Blanch in large drum of boiling water and introduced to the dehydrator. Once the dehydrator is through, crush the potatoes then blend to produce the powder. The powder is then package in an airtight container and sealed.
The second method involves washing the potatoes, peeling, boiling and mashing. They then go to the dehydrator and later crushed or blended to make powder. The dehydration process is rather lengthy and takes several hours.
Marketing Potato Powder
Despite huge local market for potato powder manufacturers prefer exporting the product. They make huge gain in foreign exchange from the exporting potato powder.
Major outlets for potato powder are hotels, restaurants, delis, fast food outlets and catering schools. The manufacturers could sell to supermarkets, shopping malls and grocery stores in the area.
Register the Company
Register the company and select a business name. Subject your product to standardization test and obtain a NAFDAC number.
Apply for a trade license and export license. You need to pass heath and safety requirement and food handler’s certification.
Your product might be subjected to value added tax and don’t forget insurance cover. Find out the permits and laws guiding food processing industries in your country.
Sell Online
You can sell your produce online to the international community. Create a website and add images of your product including prices.
Include a good description, location, shipping method and shopping cart. Accept online payments through debit/credit card or PayPal.
Use online channels to increase traffic to your website. Use social medial platforms like Facebook, Google+ and twitter.
 Start a home based business and produce small quantities of high quality product. Make sure your product pass standardization test and is approved.

How to Start Custard Powder Production Company

By James Petts CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Custard powder is a yellowish white powder eaten as a beverage. The powder is added to warm water and brought to a boil while stirring. It takes only a few minutes to make custard pap.
The beverage is served with sugar and milk for a rich delicious taste.  Custard has lots of nutritional value and health benefits when consumed.
The carbohydrate rich dessert is made primarily from corn. Ingredients used in the production are easily sourced in the open market. Common ingredients are corn, milk, egg, preservatives, flavors and vitamins.
Custard is found in most supermarkets and grocery stores around the world. It attracts its fair share of the food processing industry and has many large and medium producers.
 Small business owners could start a custard powder production company with small capital investment. Apart from low startup costs, custard is easily produced small scale from home or a factory environment.
How to Start Custard Powder Production Company
Startup Capital
Custard is primarily made from powdered edible starch. Other constituents are flavoring include glucose, sweetener, vitamins, egg yolk and condensed milk flavors.
The additives depend on the manufacturer and composition. Majority of the investment goes to purchase of raw material, labor and equipment.
Learn How to Make Custard
Before you start making custard you need to learn the basics. Understand how to formulate the beverage through tutelage, practical experience or books.
There are many online resources such as e-books, tutorials, pdf files and videos. Alternately attend a culinary school or hire a chef to teach you how to formulate custard.
Equipment used in Mixing Custard
Purchase mixing equipment, mixing tank, weighing machine, a small pre-mix drum and packaging. You need a dryer, storage facility and nylon sealer.
Custard manufacturers face serious competition with many brands. The market is saturated however branding and advertisement could increase patronage.
Use sales representatives, coupons and discounts to attract buyers. Focus on young age demography and housewives. Try to approach supermarkets, grocery stores and small retail outfits.
Raw Material used for Custard
Raw materials used in the manufacture of custard powder include sodium benzoate, egg yolk and vitamin C powder. Other ingredients are Glucose, edible corn starch, corn flour, condensed milk and flavor.
Flow Chart for Custard Production
Custard starts its journey as edible corn starch, corn flour is added and egg yolk. The mixture is well blended.
Then you introduce tetrazine, vanilla, vitamin C powder, sodium Benzoate and condensed milk. Once your pre-mix is properly blended, pour into another container alongside more corn flour.
Mix vigorously until the custard has an even texture. The different ingredient proportions and measurement depends on the manufacturer and formula.
Edible corn starch – corn flour – egg yolk –tetrazine – vanilla flavor –vitamin C powder – sodium benzoate – condensed milk – more corn flour - custard
The best way to differentiate your product is though packaging. Many manufacturers settle on a yellow plastic container with red plastic cover.
You can break from the norm and create an attractive packaging. It is mandatory for food packaging companies to include a label on the package.
The label should state all the ingredients in the mix according to their proportion. Your product needs to have a unique flavor and taste. Try to experiment with different flavors before producing the custard.
Register the custard company as a sole proprietorship. You can change the status as the company grows.
The custard mix you produce must pass a standardization test. You need a NAFDAC number and tax identification number.
The factory will undergo a health and safety inspection periodically. Other permits include trade license, manufacturer’s membership and certification. Starting a Chocolate Business

Groundnut Oil Processing Business


Groundnut oil is a very important staple especially in African countries. Billions of tons are consumed worldwide and is the most common form of vegetable oil used for cooking.
The business is highly profitable due largely to the huge demand for the product. Groundnut seed is the raw ingredient used in the production of groundnut oil.
The tasty oil has lots of health and nutritional properties if consumed in moderation. However over indulgence and abuse leads to obesity and health related problems.
Processing groundnut oil is lucrative and is easily done large scaled or small scale. In West Africa there are collectively smaller groundnut oil processing outfits than large companies.
There are a few things to consider before establishing a small oil processing business. You need to write a business plan and carry out a feasibility study.
Procure the right machinery, source raw products and understand the manufacturing and marketing aspect of the business. Here are a few business ideas on how to launch your groundnut oil processing business.
Groundnut Oil Processing Business
Raw Materials
Without a steady supply of raw material needed to produce groundnut there is no business. Locate valuable sources of raw material and establish your processing plant close to source. This effectively reduces transportation cost from farmland to processing plant.
Study the Competition
Study the competition and find out why they are successful. Look at the type of machinery they use, labor force, production process and marketing techniques. This will provide a blueprint and clear idea of challenges you might encounter.
Understand Groundnut Oil Production Process.
There are many resources to help an entrepreneur understand the production process. You can acquire knowledge from books, seminars and workshops.
It is best to acquire practical experience of the entire production process. The major raw material used in the production process is groundnut seed.
The seed goes through cleaning then de-hulling which involves a grinding and rolling motion. Heated, then a mechanized press is applied to the groundnut cake to extract majority of the oil.
Then further extraction of expelled cake through a solvent process.
Groundnut Oil Production Process
 The ground nut seed is cleaned to remove contaminants. Other impurities such as dirt, sand, bad seeds and stones are removed through dry screening.
Dehulling is the removal of outer coat of the seed for easier extraction. They breakdown the seed further through a grinding and rolling mechanism. Heat is then applied to kill enzymes or harmful bacteria.
The crushed seed goes through a pressing machine. Groundnut processing companies also refine the expeller cakes with solvents.  The final product obtained from the pressing process is purified edible oil.
How to Finance the Groundnut Oil Company
A small manufacturing company could use locally fabricated equipment. They are much cheaper than imported brands and are equally effective.
However top brands that used hydraulic pressure produces better quality oil than crude fabricated machinery. The amount of funding depends on the size of your production plant.
If you have a bank of industry in your country they can provide funding for small scale manufacturers. Alternately try target savings or borrow from relations. You could try a partnership agreement or seek a core investor.
Registering the Groundnut Oil Business
Apply for food operational license, trade license and factory license. Incorporate your company and provide insurance cover and other tax considerations.
 Join any agricultural association in the groundnut oil sector of farming. Proper branding and labeling of product is essential and prescribed by law.
Groundnut Oil Processing Machinery
Here is a list of groundnut oil processing equipment. To start processing the seeds you need a Mechanical oil expeller, hydraulic pressure press, filters press, and steel drums.
Other equipment are dryer, weighing machine, pre-cleaner, large bowls, bottle or nylon packaging machine, capping or sealing machine.
Marketing Groundnut Oil Product
The oil has a huge customer based and is used daily in most households. It is added to meals, used for cooking or frying.
 Securing lots of wholesalers is easy because customers actively seek the product. Refined oil attracts premium price and high-end outlets such as supermarket or malls.
The less refined oil is more common in open markets and small stores. Make sure you work within a budget for any advertisement campaign you wish to embark on.
Another way to attract sales is through a target website. Add your website to classified sites and yellow pages. Produce good description of produce, high definition images and a shopping cart for online purchase. Starting a Sunflower Oil Production Business

Jam Jelly Making Business

Jam jelly is commonly used on bread as a spread. It is delicious and savory while adding nutritional value to the meal.
It is also added to baked products such as pancakes, biscuits, cakes and donuts. They come in different flavors like strawberry, orange, apple, pineapple and mango.
The constituent of a jar of jelly include fruit juice, sugar and other ingredients.  Although there are many large companies in the jam jelly business small players can carve a niche.
The business works both large scale, medium and small scale. You can even produce jam jelly at home and sell to your immediate community.  
Food processing covers a huge market and thousands of different products. It is not uncommon to see jars of jam jelly in supermarkets and shopping malls.
The good new is that the manufacturing sector attracts lots of government interest. They provide avenues for loans, grant and waivers. The biggest beneficiaries are small and medium enterprises especially women run initiatives.
Are you interested in the jam jelly making business then here are a few ideas to get started.
Get a Business Name
Try to register you company with the corporate affair commission in your country. Then select a good business name for the establishment.
The product should have a unique name, logo and brand. Secure a product identification number from the Food and Drug Administration in your country.
It is mandatory to add a label to the jar. The label must identify all the ingredients and proportions used in making the product.
You need to obtain a trade license, food handler’s certification and pass a basic standardization test. Your product will attract value added tax and food producers permit.
Conduct a Survey
Conduct a survey of available brands in the market. Find out consumer preferences including favorite shopping centers. Other essential information is packaging, location of company and price deferential.
Product Pricing
To succeed your product needs to have a good shelf-life.  Many things go into pricing a product such as cost of raw materials, labor cost, branding and advertisement.
Other things are utility bills, manufacturing process, transportation, packaging, tax and permits. Make sure the price of the finished product is reasonable, competitive and profitable.

Making Jam Jelly Products
There are many ingredients used in the production of fruit jam. The type of fruit depends on the jelly jam you want to make.
Common fruits are orange, pineapple, apple, banana, guava and papaya. Other non fruit ingredients added to the mix are salt, flavoring, coloring, sugar, preservatives and citric acid.
To produce jelly the fruit is washed, peeled, juice extracted and sugar added. The mixture is boiled to produce the jelly then cooled. To produce jam the fruit is washed, skinned, cut, boiled and pulped.
Sugar is added to the pulp before other ingredients. The last producing stages of jam jelly require addition of citric acid, colorant.
Jelly Jam Making Equipment
Equipment needed include slicer, juice extractor and grinder. Other equipments are pulper, mixer, sealing machine.
The machinery is semiautomatic or fully automatic equipment. You can buy locally fabricated machinery or branded equipment. There are some companies that provide the equipment on a lease agreement structure.
Sell your jelly jam in supermarkets, restaurants, grocery stores, small retailers and gourmet shops. Other outlets are bakeries, trade fairs, flee markets, individuals and open market.
Hire commission based sales representatives, do localized advertisement and product sampling. Advertise in local newspapers and food magazines.

Build a Website
 Build a website to showcase your jelly jam product. Use high definition images and product description including company location.
Add a dedicated phone number and email address so customers can communicate. Makes sure your website can take online orders and process debit cards or PayPal transactions.

Soya Chunk Processing: How to Start a Soya Nugget Business

Textured meat was invented by the Archer Daniels Midland company in the 1960s.Today people are more conscious of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating.
Consequently the eating of diary meat and fat is gradually reducing. To meet the average human dietary demand people are turning to other food sources.
Vegetarian meat is becoming more popular each day. And the primary source is soybeans.
Textured Soy protein when processed provides meaty taste, fibre and high protein content. The scientific name is Glycin Max a member of the pea family and source of soybeans.  Major producers of soya are North America, South America, India and China.
The vegetarian meat is rich in protein and other nutrients. Soya chunks are high protein food made from defatted soy flour.
To produce the delicacy oil is extracted from the soybean flour leaving defatted soybeans. This is then ground into a dough and cut into soya chunks.
Majority of soy chunks found in the market are made from defatted soy flour processed into granules through an extrusion process. The resultant textured vegetable protein is rich in fiber and free from cholesterol.
Soya chunks are eaten worldwide as a substitute to meat.
General Importance of Soybeans
Soybeans are a very important cash crop and a good source of soya flour, soya nuggets and soya milk.  It attracts premium price in the domestic and international markets. Soybeans are used in the food packaging industry, baking industry, food industry.
Machinery used in Producing Soya Chunks
Soybeans need to go through an extruder machine to produce soya chunks. Equipment used in producing textured vegetarian meat is industrial mixer, screw conveyor and extruder.
Others equipment are hoisting equipment and packaging machine.  For maximum yield invest in a good soybean processing machine which makes tissue protein.
A good textured soybean protein extruder machine should have an installed capacity of 90kw, 60kw power and a capacity of 300kg/hr.
List of Soya Chunk Making Equipment
Blender or Mixer
Screw conveyor
Twin screw extruder
Air conveyor or hoister
Multi-layer dryer
Packaging machine
Flow Chart for Textured Soybean Processing
Blender – Screw Conveyor – Extruder – Air conveyor/ Hoister – Dryer or Oven – Packaging equipment
Uses of Soya Chunks
Soya nuggets are used in many dishes and food packaging industries. Soya chunks are added to burgers, made into sausages or dumplings.
The vegetable meat is easily adapted to common meat and poultry dishes such as tacos, sloppy Joes, spaghetti Bolognese and burritos. They are added to baked products such as vegetarian meat pies. Some animal feed companies include the ingredient in the feed composition.
Marketing the Soya Chunks
The major customers of soya products are vegan stores. Health stores and supplement stores are also a good place to sell soya nuggets. Other important outlets are supermarkets, shopping centers, catering schools, restaurants and hotels.
Registering the Soy Chunk Company
Incorporate the business as a limited liability company or sole proprietorship. Apply for trade license and health insurance.
The product is subjected to a standardization test and food handler’s citification.  You need proper packaging, product labeling and marketing.
Finance the Soy Processing Business
To financing the business you can apply for loans through a micro finance bank or community bank. Try target savings or borrow from family and friends.
The major capital involvement is purchase of equipment, leasing factory space and buying raw material.  You could try a partnership arrangement, sell startup equity in the business or seek a core investor.
Build a Website
Build a website to sell you produce to international community. Create a good easy to navigate website with lots of images of product.
Include a shopping cart, location and description of ingredients in the vegetable meat. Increase traffic to your website through online advertisement and social media engagement.
Make sure you produce high quality chunks comparable to international standards. Keep your labor costs low, carry out feasibility study and write a business plan before starting the project.